How to Drive 1 Million Monthly Blog Visits


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How to Get 1 Million Viewers of Your Blog

With blogging experts:

Elisa Gabbert and

Ginny Soskey

House Keeping Notes

1  This webinar is recorded. To view the full

recording, go to:

2  Interact with us on Twitter using #Blog100

Meet Your Experts

Ginny Soskey Head of Marketing Blog, HubSpot


Elisa Gabbert Head of Blog, WordStream



1  Keyword Research

2  Management

3  Optimization

4  Promotion

1 Keyword Research

The absolute bare minimum content strategy is keyword research.

The Super Basic Way: Use a keyword tool and see what pops up.

The More Advanced Way…

Step 1: Use the AdWords Keyword Planner to find topics broken down by keywords.

Step 2: Dig into an ad group to get a content-ready

cluster of related keyword terms.

Pro Tip: Use WordStream’s Free Keyword

Niche Finder

Pro Tip #2: Use the Keyword Planner to steal

ideas from your competitors and heroes.

Step 3: ü Long Tail

Step 3: ü Long Tail ü Evergreen

Pro Tip #3: Use Google suggestions.

Pro Tip #4: Scroll down to see related searches.

Step 5 Keep going.

•  Dig through your keyword referrals in Google Analytics

•  Browse sites like eHow, Yahoo Questions, and Quora for

topics – Questions make AMAZING keywords for blogging!

•  Browse Wikipedia (Table of Contents, “See also”)

More ways to find long-tail keywords:

Blog Management 2



Businesses who blog are

more likely to see a positive ROI than those who

don’t blog (HubSpot, State of Inbound 2014)


Create An

Editorial Calendar

Have a Backlog of Post Ideas

Vary Content Types

Create an Organized Inbox

Key Takeaways

1  Create an editorial calendar

2  Have a backlog of ideas

3  Vary the types of content you post

4  Keep your inbox organized

Optimize 3

Tip 1: Your main keyword should be the one with the most traffic volume.

For example:

Best Selling Perfumes of 2014

Tip 2: Write great headlines. A great headline is an art form.

•  Use lists •  Create curiosity •  Make it clear that your content is actionable •  Address your reader directly

How to Write Great Headlines:

Tip 3: You don’t have to keyword stuff!

•  Subheadings

•  Image file names and alt text

•  Anchor text

•  The meta description

Instead of keyword stuffing, focus on:

Deep Dive: Subheads

TITLE: Guide to Using Social Media for Business

I.  Intro: How many people use social media daily?

II.  Who is using social media?

III.  What is social media used for?

IV.  How to use social media

Example Blog Post Outline:

Tip 5: Link Internally

Tip 6: Write follow-up articles to your most popular posts

•  Does the keyword appear enough times?

•  Can you include more related keywords?

•  Can you build more external links with some targeted


•  Can you better address the intent of the keyword?

Tip 7: Don’t forget about post-publish optimization

Blog Promotion & Optimization


Optimize Blog Posts for Sharing

CTA & Subscriber Sidebar

CTA & Subscriber Sidebar

Promote Your Blog!

Social Media Promotion

Tweets with images generate 31% more visits. (HubSpot)

Promotional Through Email

Paid Promotion

1  Social media

2  Outbrain

3  Remarketing

Website Placement

1  Homepage

2  Related product pages

3  Subscriber page

4  Content downloads

Q&A #Blog100

@Gsosk & @Egabbert

Additional Reading from HubSpot:

“How to Get 100,000 Blog Subscribers”!!

Grade Your AdWords Account" Grade Your AdWords Landing Pages"
