How to Build a Legit Business by Blogging



We had a #CreditChat on YouTube and Twitter to talk about steps to build a successful personal finance blog. Here are favorite tweets featured during that hour. To view the complete video and tweet chat, you can find the recap here:

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How to Build a Legit Business by Blogging

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat


Join our #CreditChat every Wednesday at 3 p.m. ET. This week, we talked about FinCon14 and blogging for business.“

Check Out All the Tweets and Resources:

Do you have advice for newbie bloggers just getting started?

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Be passionate. Be different. Bring your personality into your writing. Tweet by @Luke_Landes


Find your voice, draw on your personal experiences. Tweet by @MMarquit


Focus on finding your unique voice. Sharing YOUR ideas and stories. Tweet by @PTmoney


Where should bloggers get ideas for content?

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Personal experiences, personal conversations, personal beliefs ...


Tweet by @MoneyUnder30

Tweet by @Luke_Landes

It’s a good idea to read a lot, every day.


It keeps you informed on what people want to read about. Relate it to your life.

The best content comes from every day life and

Tweet by @EmpoweredDollar


your willingness to be vulnerable and share your mistakes!

Tweet by @PTmoney

Ask your readers. Have a “ask a question” button.


Great content is more important and beneficial than lots of content. Tweet by @BWFeldman


Tweet by @PTmoney

Life - yours and those around you.


If you were starting your blog over again,would you do anything different?

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Tweet by @PTmoney

Get to know other bloggers/writers quicker.


What mistakes do bloggers make?

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Assuming too much knowledge on the reader’s behalf.


Tweet by @MatthewSchultz

Also, not explaining complex concepts clearly.

Not going deep enough on a topic or putting a personal anecdote in.


Tweet by @PTmoney

Expecting the game to stay the same. You need to be flexible.


Tweet by @MMarquit

Recognize the game changes.

#CreditChatWednesdays | 3 p.m. ET

Check out all the resources and tips shared:

#CreditChatWednesdays | 3 p.m. ET

Join Us Every Wednesday at 3 p.m. ET.