How Ebay Uncovered B2B Advocates They Didn'T Know They Had


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Kelly CairdDirector, Customer Engagement

eBay’s Not-So-Secret Weapon: How We Discovered and Mobilized B2B Advocates

Marie Langhout-FranklinHead of Partner Marketing

One of eBay’s largest drivers of traffic;partners earn commissions for driving sales

Helpful, positive content was getting buried by louder, negative voices

We wanted to build a community to nurture and reengage natural advocates

How likely are you to share your eBay partner experiences with others?

Would you be more likely to do this if incentives were involved?

Unlikely Likely Yes No

Launching a formal advocacy program can be daunting

Our initial launch far exceeded our goals and expectationsWe increased the volume of positive mentions x10




















What else could we do?

Can we connect with partners at the outset, nurturing them to become advocates?

Can we turn more existing partners into advocates?

Can we even “hug our haters” – and turn negative voices around?

Can we encourage more valuable activities, ultimately driving ROI?

This small but mighty group is an effective lever in our toolkit for driving business goals

6 months later:• 4X more advocates • 140+ acts of advocacy

annually by engaged advocates

The network effect has increased our joins and doubled our activation rate in the first 90 days

Advocates are a valuable source for innovation and instant feedback

“Amazing, I didn't know about it! There are times I want to manually create a link and this is so easy. A good update would be to let me choose a campaign I want to ‘roverize’ while on the site.”-Matt D.

Have you used the bookmarklet tool before?

Will you use it in the future?

Do you have any questions or feedback about this tool? "I wish it would

integrate with a url shortener." -Eric M.

"I like it, but my recommendation is for it be redesigned like the website link shortening right-side of the screen pop-out.”-Steven E.

We can activate our partners at multiple phases in the customer lifecycle

• Tracking attribution on an individual partner level

• Working closely with analytics team to track and match activity

• Determining if advocates are more likely to drive sales to eBay

• Testing to see if specific challenges can drive revenue results

We’re measuring the impact beyond direct pipeline driven

"Insiders has really helped me with my business. I've applied the advice and my business is really improving. It's amazing how just doing little stuff that I've learned here really helps! So just wanted to tell you... THANK YOU!”

- Morgan A. Beauty Blogger, Insider since 4/10/16

Discovering and connecting with our most valuable advocates has driven measurable ROI

Points: 9,100

NPS: 9

2016 iGMB: $5,500

2017 iGMB:$11,400

Sept New Buyers: 1

Oct New Buyers: 14

We’re improving customer experience at scale (and our products, too)

“Insiders is what everybody needs. A great community of caring people and it is filled with opportunities to learn.”- Theo P.

“I have found a great deal of useful information and a supportive community.”- Nigel B.

“This has kept me more up to date on eBay topics than ever before. It’s a great platform!”- Brandy O.

“I’ve been more engaged since Insiders launched. Learning lots!”- Kostas T.

“I’ve learnt a few things that I would have never come across otherwise.”- Carol L.

“It’s a handy resource to discuss with fellow affiliates, as well as pick up some useful tips and insights on EPN.”- Talia K.“Not only do we benefit from

information and advice but we also get rewarded! Win-win situation.”- Nathan F.

• An advocacy program has helped us improve the partner experience in a scalable way.

• Advocates are an effective lever for us to drive real business results.

• Integrating advocacy deeply into our marketing strategy helps us test, validate and challenge ideas and assumptions.

3 Key Takeaways