How can a firm develop and establish an effective positioning in the market?


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Effective Brand


How is it


Doing it the Classical Way,

Set a Competitive

Frame of Reference

Know who you are going to

Mess around with


For that, Identify them.

And Analyse your Competitors


Find Optimal Points of Difference (POD)

and Points of parity (POP)

To be more clear,

And Finally,

Design a Brand Mantra

That is

Simple but

can Communicate and

yet Inspiring.

Alternative Approaches :

Cultural Branding

Brand Journalism

Brand Narratives and Story telling

Straddle Positioning:

A company will be able to straddle two frames of reference of with

one set of

points-of-difference and


Tools Used for Positioning:

Perceptual Maps:


1.Set a Competitive frame of reference.

Sensodyne carved out a profitable share with the idea of toothpastes for Sensitive teeth in the oral care market dominated by


Recap with Notable Examples:

2.Finding Optimal POD and POP

Savlon came up with ‘no-sting’ property against Dettol

3.Design a Brand Mantra

Although Nike’s internal brand mantra was authentic athletic performanceBut it’s external slogan was ‘JUST DO IT’.

Straddle Positioning

Subway positioned itself as offering healthy, good tasting sandwichesThus creating POP on taste and POD on health w.r.t McDonald’sAnd a POP on health and POD on taste w.r.t Health food restaurants.

Whether You Follow the Classical Strategy or not,


Your Firm

Stand Out !

Created by Sadhique K Kunhahamed, IIITD&M-K, during an internship by Prof. Sameer Mathur, IIM Lucknow.

Thank You
