Help for Senior Citizens Who Want to Lose Weight



People of virtually every demographic in the country are subject to being overweight. This is a major health crisis that can create many adverse issues with every system in the body. Losing weight is a goal of many, though how to accomplish it is often challenging.

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Help for Senior Citizens Who Want to Lose Weight

People of virtually every demographic in the country are subject to being overweight. This is a major health crisis that can create many adverse issues with every system in the body. Losing weight is a goal of many, though how to accomplish it is often challenging.

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For those who are in their sixties, it is important that any weight loss plan is regulated to take into account their metabolism and health risks. In addition, some medications may make certain foods or exercises more dangerous for seniors.

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The first thing a person needs to do is make an appointment with their primary care physician. Having a complete checkup is important for anyone seeking to begin a new exercise or diet plan. Talk to the doctor to find out about any restrictions due to health considerations.

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In order to lose weight, a person must burn more calories each day than they consume. However, this does not mean that it is a good idea to avoid eating. The key is to eat the right foods. Proteins are very important for building up muscle mass. It is also vital for other bodily functions.

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Another third of calories should be from healthy fats, such as avocado or the fats associated with salmon and trout. Fish with omega-3 fatty acids serve a dual purpose of providing healthy protein and fat. Nuts and beans are also good sources of fat and protein.

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The remainder of calories should consist of complex carbohydrates found in unrefined grains and fresh produce. By eating small servings of each of these food types, senior citizens can get the essential nutrients for health while not overloading on calories.

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The other essential component to weight loss is getting enough exercise. The easiest way for seniors to do this is to participate in metabolism boosting activities throughout the day. In addition, stretching or lifting small weights while watching television can help to keeps the blood flowing.

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Many recreation centers and community colleges offer water aerobics and other low impact physical education courses for the public and senior citizens. These are a great way to get some exercise and meet new people. Staying active is essential to losing weight.

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Senior citizens can lose weight if they take the time to eat right and get enough physical activity each day. Creating support and continually moving are important to making the most of weight loss efforts. If these suggestions are followed, any senior citizen can lose weight.More info on: