Hacking Social Media: The Case of Tweeting Bra



Applying the rules of hacking into your social media strategy

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HACKING SOCIAL MEDIA: THE CASE OF TWEETING BRA Dimitris Savvakos, Creative Director, OgilvyOne Athens

Advertisers should become hackers!

David Ogilvy Richard Stallman

Why hacking?

Hacking = Exploring the limits of what is possible, thereby doing something exciting & meaningful

Life Hacking / Growth Hacking

The problem with traditional marketing

Traditional Media = Promoting Large Budgets & Interruptive

Social Media • Pervasive networks • Sharing of content • Democratised information

Avalanche Effect =

Earned Media

How can we achieve that?

Applying the rules of hacking into your


Take the Headline TestTip 1

Is my idea worth writing about it?

As soon as you have an idea, write it down in the same way the media would write on it.

Tip 1

Solve a ProblemTip 2

“The world is full of fascinating problems waiting to be solved”

Eric Steven Raymond

Find an existing problem and try to actually solve it.

Tip 2

Do it for RealTip 3

They wanted to tell the world: “Look how wonderful this is. I bet you

didn't believe this could be done.” Richard Stallman

All the campaigns that received intense media coverage, they were no fake. They did it for real.

Tip 3

Find a Cultural TensionTip 4

Connect with people by finding relevance to the popular culture.

Tip 4


(How to HACK social media).

Take the Headline Test

Find the Cultural Tension

Solve a Problem

Do it for Real

And never forget to…

take the


“Your next frontier isn't to get more efficient,

it's to get more brave.” Seth Godin


THANK YOU social.ogilvy.com @savvakos