Green Pharms Web Strategy Prescriptive


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Green Pharms DispensaryWebsite Strategy




Green Pharms Dispensary competes in the Flagstaff medical marijuana market.

The market is the Coconino County Area in Northern Arizona, this includes Flagstaff Metro Area, parts of Sedona, and much of the State north of Flagstaff. According to AZDHS, there are ~4000 patients in the county alone.



High Mountain Health and Greenhouse of Flagstaff are dispensaries located in the Flagstaff Metro Area.

Bloom Dispensaries is a large operation that has multiple locations, including a dispensary in nearby Sedona.


Local Market TrendsGoogle Trends proved to have unreliable data for the purpose of comparison.

From the chart it is apparent that Bloom Dispensary has the largest presence of the four businesses.


Keyword Search - Neutral

Starting with “Flagstaff Dispensary”, as it is the highest brand neutral search in terms of volume.

Green Pharms does not show as a business location, and its Leafly profile listing is higher than the actual site. The local competitors are page rank 1 and 2.


Keyword Search - Neutral

The story is the same for the other top relevant neutral searches.


Branded & Neutral Search Volume

The Keyword Planner shows two things: Branded search dominates volume for the local market, suggesting brand preference. Secondly, the competitors have greater brand awareness and possibly better site features.


Current Online ConditionsThe status quo is not acceptable for the short or long term. Examining the causes can reveal solutions for Green Pharms.



Current Online Conditions

Green Pharm’s website is losing the page rank and traffic battle. The next step is to evaluate and audit their site.


Off-Page Optimization

An examination of the Green Pharms website has revealed little infrastructure in place for off-page optimization. A link building campaign is needed.

Bloom Dispensary uses a single site for its locations. One of the reasons I chose them for comparison, is that they rank number one in numerous keyword searches for Phoenix. They serve as a benchmark.


Off-Page Optimization

Bloom’s position as an online leader doesn’t exactly translate to the top position in the business. However, they currently have the most operating dispensaries in Arizona. We can assume they are achieving a rate of success higher than the average.

With that in mind, it would be wise to look at their website and the features it has. Green Pharms may want to take some pages from their book. The best grade for Off-Page Optimization is Incomplete.



Internal Focus

The internal focus is on the website and the pages hosted on the domain. Using a popular website crawler program, the site’s pages, images, text and tags were organized and revealed.


Internal Focus Grades

A-Crawlability - How well the sight can be indexed.

The site does exceptionally well in this category. A clear strength for the site, although it could use polish.

Relevance – specific website details that optimize search, relevant to current conditions.

The lack of unique content, the copied text from other sites, and the absence of page descriptions are not helping the website.



SWOT analysis is standard practice for evaluating a business. In this specific scenario, the website will evaluated in its current state.

The acronym stands for the following categories of inspection: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

SWOT Analysis



The website overall has a good design, the main page reveals the business nature effectively, and the location page is perfect.





The site website has numerous weaknesses,

notably the site lacks market differentiation and

content in general.




Although the market for medical marijuana is small, there is huge potential to gain website traffic and ultimately market share from the competitors.

The current state of the website leaves a lot of room to grow.




The biggest of the threats was reflected in the search volume data. The brand searches revealed that visibility is low for Green Pharms.

A number of steps need to be taken to increase the visibility online.



The Green Pharms website needs a serious revision all-around. There are some areas that can improved rather easily to improve the website’s ranking, traffic, and visibility.

There are two things the business can do right now to help:

1. Build and revise the content on the site, make it unique and purposeful. Add crawler readable descriptions to the webpages.

2. Change the site URL to or The new URL would be more direct and accessible. The inclusion of the brand name will be easier for returning visitors.

A complete and detailed report with more analysis and recommendations can be received. The following slide reveals how.


Best way to reach me.Noah Oropeza

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