Greater Spokane - Navigating the World of Facebook and Twitter


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Facebook and Twitter for Business

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

November 2009 Now

Wine consumer with a vision Three businesses

Unknown in wine blogging community

Ranked in top 25 for traffic, top 10 for engagement and top 5 for link backs – in the country

0 page views per month 20,000 page views per month

0 Facebook fans 5000 Facebook fans

0 Twitter followers 13000 Twitter followers

0 Linkedin Connections 3500 local Linkedin Connections

0 YouTube Videos 160 Videos (15,000 views)

0 Blog posts 500 posts

from click to mortar

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

The Story

The Story from click to mortar

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

•5 Wineries 40 Wines 1 Location•Co-op business model•Event facility (3000 sq ft)•Future expansion •Voted “Best new biz in 2011”•Featured in Alaska Airlines Magazine and on

from click to mortar

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

•Author•Seminar Leader•Consultant•Build affordable template based web sites•Manage businesses online content

The Story

The Story from click to mortar

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

•Wine and beer specialty shop•Kendall Yards•Opening Spring 2015

Today’s Agenda1. What is Facebook?

2. Understanding Timeline & Edgerank

3. Engagement – What, When How?

4. Getting Noticed in a News Feed

5. Three Fabulous Facebook Finds

6. Five No Brainers You’re Probably Not Doing

7. What the heck is Twitter?

8. Learning the language?

9. Follow and be followed

10. When, what and how often

11. Five Twitter Tools

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

How Do Customers Find You?

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

•1.2 billion accounts•405 minutes month•Engage

•600 million accounts•30 minutes month•Conversation

•350 million accounts•10 minutes month•Search Engines

•80 million accounts•405 minutes month•Drives web traffic

•200 million accounts•17 minutes month•Professional /Resume

•200 million accounts•200 minutes month•Attention

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

FacebookWhat’s it all about

•PEOPLE•Engagement•Extension of brand personality•Extension of in store experience•18-44 age•60% female

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

FacebookWhy you need to be there

•PEOPLE•2/3 of Americans on FB•50% of them every day•Brand awareness•Top of mind•Business to consumer connections

How much is a fan worth?

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |


Organic Engagement

Facebook Advertising

Grow a page “like me”

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

EngageBuilding brand ambassadors through referrals advertising and engagement

Like -vs- Friend

Setting up Fan Page

Understanding the Facebook “Top News / Most Recent”

Basic Uses

Building Your Base

What to Post

How Often to Post

EngageGrowing brand ambassadors through referrals, advertising and engaging content

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Businesses that have “Friend” pages are in violation of Facebook terms of use

Your “Friend” page runs the risk of being shut down

Maximum “Friends” is 5000

Cannot use FB ads or analytics for “Friend” pages

Cannot use FBML for “Friend” pages

EngageLike versus Friend

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |



EngageSetting up a business page

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

EngageUnderstanding Facebook Algorithm

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Top Stories

It is the default when someone clicks home in Facebook

It is not real time

Shows the pages and friends you have recently engaged with

Shows popular content among your friends and pages

No engagement means not in the feed

EngageUnderstanding Facebook Algorithm (Top Stories)

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Recent Stories

Real time stream of friends and liked page activity

Something posted 4 hours ago will only be seen by those online within that immediate window

EngageUnderstanding Facebook Algorithm (Recent Stories)

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

EngageUnderstanding Facebook Algorithm

A brand that does not focus on engaging and consistent content gets

lost among the thousands of posts that Facebook can serve to its


NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Declining Reach

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

What Do You Do Now?

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

1. Deal with the new reality.

2. Diversify your social strategy

3. Be intentional and strategic with Facebook activity

4. Boost posts and occasional Facebook ads

8 Ways to Get Noticed in a Facebook Feed

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

8 Ways to Get Noticed in a Facebook Feed

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

1 Be Consistent

1 – 3 posts per day that are diverse in content type (pictures, text only, links, video). Make sure the balance of your posts are value add and engaging before selling.

8 Ways to Get Noticed in a Facebook Feed

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

2 Time of Day

Look at your Facebook Insights for information of when your fans are online. In generalities 8-10am, 2-3pm, and 7-9pm are the highest traffic times.

8 Ways to Get Noticed in a Facebook Feed

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

3 Shorter Character Counts

Keep your posts under 80 characters. Facebook studies show that the most interacted with posts are ones that are 40-60 characters.

8 Ways to Get Noticed in a Facebook Feed

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

4 Include Calls to Action

Facebook users will respond to your call to action. Ask for feedback (market research), ask for interaction, be entertaining.

8 Ways to Get Noticed in a Facebook Feed

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

5 Change your Cover Photo

The cover photo is a large piece of real estate and now shows up in newsfeeds and when people hover over your brand name. Best practices say to change this monthly and use the real estate for calls to action.

8 Ways to Get Noticed in a Facebook Feed

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

6 Interact with Your Own Posts

Two things here. 1) respond and interact with the people who comment on your posts. 2) Use Facebook as yourself to like your own post. Both increase organic growth opportunity

8 Ways to Get Noticed in a Facebook Feed

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

7 Use Facebook Advertising

The reality of the world we live in is that Facebook reach will only be broad with the use of Boosted Posts and Advertising. The cost is minimal and the reach is to the audience you want.

8 Ways to Get Noticed in a Facebook Feed

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

8 Add Value Before Selling

Incorporate the practice of give, give give, sell or jab, jab, jab, right hook. Your content should be 70% engagement, 20% sharing, and 10% selling.


2. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

3. Did You Know Trivia

4. Pictures of your business

5. Questions of the Day (great research)

6. Video

7. Links to things you like

8. Promoting local events

9. Your blog posts

10. Sales or Events

EngageWhat to post

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Timeline for Business Brands

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Cover Photo and Other Branding

850 x 315 pixel banner 180x180 pixel profile pic•The profile picture has been moved up into the cover photo

•The like, following, message boxes have been moved on top of the cover photo.

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Three Fabulous Facebook FindsThree great tools for Facebook Success

Woobox is a suite of tools that can help connect your Facebook fans with your other social networks (Twiiter, You Tube, Flicker). The application also offers cool interactive photo sharing, slide shows, music, PDF files and a host of other advanced features. Woobox offers nine free applications along with pro and premium services for the more advanced user. At the minimum you can connect your Twitter and YouTube accounts to Facebook tabs for free!

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Three Fabulous Facebook FindsThree great tools for Facebook Success

Create deals build sign up forms, host contests, build custom pages and more

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Shopify on Facebook

Three Fabulous Facebook FindsThree great tools for Facebook Success

Build a shopping cart for your products and services and turn your Facebook page into an opportunity for revenue.

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

NO BRAINERSThat will make an immediate impact

5 No Brainers

Add your social media contacts to:

Web Site


Business Card

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Get your Facebook Vanity URL

Easier to communicate

Better search returns


5 No Brainers

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Add a Facebook Badge to your Website

Drive likes

Create engagement

5 No Brainers

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Respond to everyone

Never let a mention or post go un-noticed

Say thank you

Be the last person to comment on a Facebook conversation

5 No Brainers

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Post Content

If you’re committed to this there should always be something new to talk about

Content is king; conversation is queen

Empty sites are like out of date web sites, unreturned phone calls, unresponsive representatives, and empty promises

5 No Brainers

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

QQ&&AANectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

140 Character Micro Blog

Twitter is…Social messagingNews reportingSocial marketingConversation

More than 600 million people are on Twitter

2 Billion tweets per week

Real time stream of conversation, brand awareness, consumer sentiment

A many to many conversation

Instant impact and response

What is Twitter?

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Online cocktail party

What is Twitter?

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

The social consumer…

What is Twitter?

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

A Look at Me

Your profilePicture Name

140 character descriptionWeb site

Your Tweets

Your statsTweets, following,

followers, listsImages

Similar people

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

A Look at Home

Your timeline@ mentionsActivity of people you

followSaved searchesLists you create

Tweets from people you


Side barWho to followUser profile

detailsTrending topics

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

A Look at Connect

ConnectInteractions Mentions

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

A Look at Discover

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

@ - Mention (main conversation)

DM (Direct Message – private)

RT (Retweet)

# Hashtag




The Language of Twitter

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

The Tweet

140 characters including any URLS and user names.

Can be about anything you want it to be about

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

The Language of Twitter

The @ Mention / Reply

@username – designates who you want to mention or talk directly to in a tweet. Starting the tweet with a user name is only visible to the user and any followers you have in common.

Also known as a mention when people use your username in a tweet

DM – Direct Message – a private tweet to a @follower

@follower must be following you back to send a DM

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

The Language of Twitter

RT – The retweet

Retweeting is simply forwarding a message or content along to your followers - sharing

Retweets can be done at using the Retweet action icon (using this format does not allow any customization of the message.)

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

The Language of Twitter

# Hashtag

Placing # before any word creates an automatic search stream link for the term

Easy aggregator of information

Assist in following a conference, seminar, or topic. Multiple users can participate

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

The Language of Twitter


Save any tweet to reference it later.

Great for coming back to great content

Trends Lists

What is popular

Join in the conversation and get greater exposure

Manage and group your followersSee what lists you appear on. Find new followers on others lists

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

The Language of Twitter

Follow people of like interests

Use Twitter Search

Try to locate key influencers in your area / field

Don’t follow people who haven’t tweeted in a while

Follow in chunks of 70-100 people

Follow people in the “lists” of influencers

When you follow people you will see their tweets

How to Grow a Following

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |


How to Grow a Following

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Twitter Advanced Search

How to Grow a Following

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Start Tweeting

How to Grow a Following

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

How to Tweet

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Share posts from others you enjoy – Retweet

Share content you create

80/20 rule – Share relevant content before you sell

How to Tweet

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

If Content is King, Conversation is Queen

Respond when you’re mentioned

Jump in to the conversation

Ask questions

It’s just talking to people

How to Tweet

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |



Activities / with media is preferred


Posts you like

Posts you create

Events / Sales / Offers

Tips for your industry

How to Tweet

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

How to Tweet: Bad Example

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

How to Tweet: Good Example

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Unlike Facebook, as long as you’re not promoting or selling, tweeting a lot is usually embraced. Quick bites of information are engaging and add to the conversation.

10+ times per day (as long as you’re not selling)


Okay to share same info 2-4 times at different times of the day

How to Tweet

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Three Twitter Tools

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |


Tweetdeck / Hootsuite

Three Twitter Tools

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Three Twitter Tools

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Three Twitter Tools

Tweetdeck / Hootsuite

Tweet Binder

Three Twitter Tools

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

Five Twitter Tools

NectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |

QQ&&AANectarMedia | Nectar Tasting Room | Spokane Wine Magazine | @nectarmedia |



Contact Info
