From Museum Curator to Content Curator



My tips for branding yourself online and building your tribe based on my own journey.

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From Museum Curator to Content Curator

Find Your Tribe Online

We live in such a fragmented world that it’s challenging enough trying to connect

with people in real life, but what if you are looking to find your tribe online?

I am here to tell you that there is hope and even better news is you can even turn that online tribe into real life friends and cohorts.

Over 5 years ago, I was feeling like THE only creative person in my hometown. I didn’t know where to go to find other like minded souls and had tried several local groups.

It was then I decided to start writing a blog about creativity. This was before blogs were even popular and most people didn’t even know what one was.

But I saw it as a place to write about my creative journey and never

imagined it would be a launching point to finding my tribe online.

So how did I do it?

I started by asking myself who was I looking to connect with? Since I was writing about the broad application of creativity, I started with artists, people making crafts and innovators. I knew that was my tribe.

Imagine your ideal tribe member. Are they male or female?

What are their interests? How do they spend their time?

What values do they have?

Once you answer those questions.

An image of who they are will appear. My ideal tribe mate was a creative between 25-50 years old who wrote, painted or expressed themselves some other visual way.

After I had a clear picture of who I

wanted to meet, I started looking for connection points.

I went first to social media. I started following some existing creative friends that I knew in real life or admired online.

Then I saw who they were following and followed them too.

Then I listened.

And listened some more.

When I was ready, I jumped right into the discussion. I shared my creativity blog posts, commented on theirs and most importantly, shared their posts with my followers.

And I continued to do this just a little

each day, and before I knew it I was connected to creatives around the world, who read my posts and shared their lives with me.

We found more connections points along the way.

Eventually we met in person. But I always knew where to find them online if I needed support, wanted to crowd source an idea or just get some inspiration.

What started out as a desire to meet

other creative people, turned into me finding my tribe online and developing friendships that span continents and time zones.

These individuals (or tribe mates)

share my interests and who without the internet, my blog and social media would have never met.
