Facebook and instagram for social good adrian o_flynn


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Changing Your Content For The Mobile World

Adrian O’Flynn

Facebook & Instagram for Social Good - LondonBy Adrian O’Flynn

(Explanatory slide)

• Facebook and Instagram held an event in London to help UK charities use their platforms for social good in October 2014.

• I was invited by Facebook to speak about Concern Worldwide’s successful Facebook content strategy.

Content associated with Concern?

Once a upon a time....

And everybody was happy!

Like Wiley Coyote…

The ads didn’t break, reach did.

For Concern that has real consequences……

We changed our approach to Facebook to try and solve this problem.

We were doing little or no social good.

Niall @Concern said “It doesn’t work to apply what worked in other channels.”

Experimented with what people Liked

Show impact, a smile and thank YOU.

The results were undeniable.

When promoting a campaign…

Or an event…

Or just post photos…

Then Achoyo reached 98,089 people. Including my housemate.

Engagement increased 1809% in 1 year.

• Q4 2011. 18 posts = 748 total engagements

• Q4 2012. 18 posts = 14,760 total engagements










Q4 2011 Q4 2012

The miracle of compound interest

The Philippines typhoon got people talking. And then texting.

We were telling stories…with happy endings.

Story definition: A character wants something and has to overcome

adversity to get it.

We used to just show adversity

Character. Adversity. Got it!

Then we started posting less…

It didn’t fix our recruitment problem.

But we were getting reach.

What you really need to do?

• Experiment with your brand’s message to find what fits a new channel.

• Then give that channel time to grow. Invest in building an audience.

Applied the same approach to email.

Open rates went from 11.5% to 16%

A/B test: regular givers gave 6% more.

Found this video campaign which raised $1.6m online.

Tell the story of Nurse Mary K. Cole

Saving lives in this place…for the last 18 years

A story we play a role in.

YOU can create the happy ending


Selfie VRS High-production video

Plan and test your content…

And you can use Facebook for social good.


• Experiment with Facebook and Twitter to find what part of your message fits the conversation.

• Provide value to build an audience.

• Show them the happy ending of a story (Buy Story by Robert McKee.)

• Set targets per post to ensure consistency.

• Say NO to fundraisers’ Brand & CTAs.


“This dynamic sector is in a constant state of flux, and those who want to keep apace need to ensure that they stay up to speed.”

Digital Conference Promo, 2014

100+ online marketing staff…

“Marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating and delivering value to satisfy the needs of target market at a profit.”

Phillip Kotler, 1967.

