Did you know? Interesting statistics about Direct Mail


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Did you know?Interesting statistics about Direct Mail


800 352 2282


Around 85 billion mail pieces are sent through USPS yearly,

while 167 billion emails are sent daily!

Direct mail response rate have increased 14% in the last 10 years!

Nearly 50% of survey respondents said they’ve retained a direct mail

piece for future reference.

17% say they do so regularly!

44% of survey respondents say they visit a brand`s website after receiving a direct mail


79% of survey respondents say they will act on direct mail immediately,

compared to only 45% who say they deal with email straightaway.

56% of survey respondents find

print marketing to be the most

trustworthy type of marketing.

Direct mail brings in 78% of

donations for nonprofits.

40% of survey respondents say they would try a business for the first time as a result

of receiving a direct mail piece –

especially if they were local.

AND70% say they have renewed

relationships with businesses that they had previously ceased using!

50% of U.S. consumers say they prefer direct mail to email.

Direct mail has the highest rate of success in new customer acquisition at 34%

compared with other marketing channels.

74% of B2B marketers rate direct mail as very effective,

while only 71% say the same about email marketing.

For every $167 spent on direct mail in the US, $2,095 in goods are sold.

(Sources: Direct Marketing Association, Target Marketing, Ballantine & Epsilon)

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