Charlie Gilbert Copywriting Portfolio




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Charlie GilbertCopywriting Portfolio

BlogsNewsWebsite and Email Marketing CopySocialContact Me








The brief: To transform Stanfords’ blog into a topical, expertly-written travel and books information portal; to expand its depth of coverage by including polls, photo blogs and regular interviews with authors and celebrities; to increase online conversions.

The work: Devising a content plan based on travel search trends; initiating a blogger outreach initiative; personally writing higher-profile posts; building relationships with authors, publishers and tour operators.

The results: Between September 2012 and February 2013, page views increased from approximately 10,000 per month to over 20,000. My ‘Where to Travel in 2013’ post received more page views than the Stanfords homepage in the week it went live.


Discover the World

The brief: To attract more visitors to Discover the World’s blog; to increase the time spent on the site and the number of pages viewed per visit; to boost online conversions in the long term.

The work: Working alongside the Marketing Director to produce a more dynamic, varied and commercially-minded content plan based on key products, search trends and social ‘buzz’. I was responsible for all written content and photo editing.

The results: Prior to April 2013, when I joined Discover the World, average monthly page views remained static at just over 1,500. Between May 2013 and January 2014, the monthly average was more than 2,500 – an increase of 66%.


Guest blogging

The brief: To build and foster relationships with relevant brands and publications to increase Stanfords’ and Discover the World’s online presence and position them as voices of authority.

Case study: The following slide showcases an article I wrote for Vive Unique, a specialist booking website for stylish home rentals. I produced a city-specific travel feature in return for a company profile and a backlink.

Case study results: Introducing Stanfords to an entirely new online audience, improving SEO and positioning the brand as an expert voice in the city breaks industry.


Read the post in full here >




Freedom Destinations

The brief: Three daily news stories across Freedom Destinations’ three brands: Freedom Australia, Freedom Asia and Freedom Africa; plus four monthly features. This was a content marketing account I managed during my tenure at Snack Media.

The work: Sourcing, writing and publishing high quality, optimised news and features; organising monthly client meetings to assess content performance and upsell opportunities.

The results: Improved SEO across Freedom Destinations’ flagship brands - both in terms of SERP rankings and the number of organic page views; helping to position Freedom Destinations as an authority voice on destinations across Australia, Asia and Africa.




The brief: To establish a travel, books and maps-specific news feed to cover the latest developments in the topics most relevant to Stanfords customers, with the aim of increasing online visibility, page views and online conversions.

The work: Sourcing and writing between one and two optimised news stories per day and interviewing key contacts for exclusive comments.

The results: Successfully positioning Stanfords as an online authority within the travel, books and maps industries: the brand is no longer just an online retailer but a source of entertaining, engaging and informative content.



The brief: To head news strategy for (FFC) - the flagship brand in Snack Media’s sports website portfolio.

The work: Working alongside the Chief Editor, I was responsible for improving editorial standards across FFC’s news division by recruiting and training new writers, running workshops and developing a style guide. Further, I was in charge of conducting higher-profile interviews with well-known figures from the world of football.

The results: Improved standards helped to position FFC as a leading football news portal, with articles attracting approximately half a million page views per month.



Website and Email Marketing Copy


Discover the World: E-News

The brief: To design and write Discover the World’s weekly e-newsletter and send to its 40,000+ subscribers with the aim of increasing online conversions.

The work: Working alongside the Marketing Director to devise a content calendar based on key themes; liaising with product heads for their recommendations; writing copy and editing photos; designing the newsletter’s structure.

The results: Between April 2013 and January 2014, unique open rates increased from 9,500 to 10,800, while goal conversion rates increased from 1.7% to 2.8%.


Stanfords: E-News

The brief: To design and write Stanfords’ fortnightly e-newsletter and send to its 60,000+ subscribers with the aim of increasing online conversions.

The work: Liaising with the E-Commerce Manager, store managers and affiliates to determine content requirements; writing copy with enticing calls to action; creating striking banners and photographs.

The results: Stanfords’ email database increased by approximately 10,000 between September 2012 and February 2013, while click-through rates steadily improved.


Stanfords: Product Copy

The brief: To establish a style guide and be its guardian for the data entry team, which is responsible for writing descriptions for more than 33,000 online products.

The work: Creating the style guide; staff training; writing descriptions for higher-profile products.

The results: SEO was improved to the extent that Stanfords started competing with larger, better-known brands, while sales of key products also increased.





Discover the World

The brief: To own and develop Discover the World’s social channels by creating a monthly content plan, writing inspiring copy and devising competitions.

The work: Using the content plan to develop the company’s Facebook, Twitter and Google+ pages in line with commercial objectives.

The results: Facebook likes increased from 5,000 in April 2013 to 8,000 by October; Twitter followers increased from 1,300 to 1,650; the new Google+ page achieved almost 2,000 +1s in its first six months. Monthly social referrals increased from 636 in April to 10,000 in October.




The brief: To own and develop Stanfords’ social channels by creating a monthly content plan; writing inspiring copy; devising competitions and approaching brands for social-led affiliate campaigns.

The work: Using the content plan to develop the company’s Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram pages in line with the company’s commercial objectives and brand identity.

The results: Facebook likes increased from 5,000 in September 2012 to more than 7,000 by February 2013, while referrals quadrupled from 250 to 1,000 per month. The Twitter page enjoyed similar growth, while the Instagram page increased brand awareness among a younger demographic.



Contact me:E:

T: 07872 958340