Build email subscribers from social media


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Email is still the highest converting online marketing channel.*

*According to research by eConsultancy

Long Live Email Marketing!

Posts to social mediaare like drive-by billboards.

Less than 5% of your audiencewill see your posts.

What about social media?

But with emails…Email messages will be read by about 20% of your subscribers according to the average open rate.

That’s quadruple the reach!

Market something of value to entice them to visit your website and sign up!

How can social mediabuild email subscribers?

It is too early to sell,But you can begin building a relationship through email to eventually offer relevant services/products.

Here are 4 TACTICSto use social media to build email subscribers.

Pin a post to the top of your feed on Twitter and Facebook

that directs to your landing pageor opt-in on your website.

1. Pin an Important Post

For example, Mike from SocialQuanthas the following pinned tothe top of his Twitter profile.

It has hundreds of retweets, 5,000+ clicks and 2,000 new

email subscribers!

More than just a picture, Facebook and Twitter profile banners are a great place to

promote opt-ins.

2. Maximize Banner Space

This is Kim Garst’s Facebook page,which promotes an opt-in and has a ‘Shop Now’

button leading to her landing page.

This builds email subscribers while you build fans, and vice versa.

Schedule posts of evergreen content from you and others to

share regularly.

3. Share More Content(that isn’t all yours)

This is a snapshot ofRazorSocial’s content schedulingcalendar in

Notice how we post more evergreen posts (posts that don’t run out of date) and other people’s content than we do our own, and at all hours of every day.

Due to low reach of an average post, ads are becoming necessary.

4. Create Ads on Social Channels

Social media ads are a great way to retarget visitors back to your website if they previously visited but did not subscribe.

You can also target your current Facebook fans, who already know your business.

Use Warm Leads

Email marketing is still alive and kickingand is an important channel toeffective online marketing.

In Summary,

Full article available

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.
