Bollocks: Does swearing in the office make marketers more productive?


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Bollocks Does swearing in the office make

marketers more productive?

Jan Sysmans

@jsysmansHead of Field Marketing, Wrike

Integrated.Live - 17 November 2016

You are not alone

Lot’s of People Do Swear Though

● More women (60%) admitted to swearing than men

(55%), however men who do swear in the office do

it at a higher frequency than women

● 94% say they swear more in face-to-face

conversations vs. email or online communication

Other Surprising Findings

● 66% say they are more likely to swear if their boss

swears, while 25% report “it doesn’t matter”

● 33% would not consider accepting a position in an

organization in which swearing is strictly banned

● 66% of Millennials swear vs 54% of Gen X

Other Surprising Findings

Why Do People Swear

In The Office?

UK Workplace Study

August 2016 - 1000 UK Respondents

58% Said Their Workload Has Increased In The Last Year

And stress leads to ...

Research at Keele University (Staffordshire) found:

➔ Compared to not swearing, swearing increases

◆ Pain tolerance

◆ Increased heart rate

◆ Decreased perceived pain

➔ Swearing (in moderation) is a harmless emotional

release which could make you feel stronger


Use of Foul Language Relieves Stress and Pain

and Makes You Feel Stronger

This Begs The Question

Does Swearing Make Us More Creative and Better Marketers?

Living life with


increases your

creative capacity

A person’s openness

to all their emotions is

a better indicator of

creativity than

measuring IQ

There Is Research To Support This

Is There No Better Way

To Deal With Stress?


July 11, 2016

Is there a different way to work?

“Our team members are missing critical info,

work with the wrong data, struggle with

version control and spend too much time

waiting for information or approvals”

“We need to improve team collaboration so

that we can tap into our collective

intelligence more efficiently”

“We need better visibility into what our

team is working on, what’s getting delayed,

and where the bottlenecks are”

Better Visibility Where the Choke Points Are

Flexible, Collaboration-Centric Workflow that

Provides Clear Visibility

Thank You


Jan Sysmans

@jsysmansHead of Field Marketing, Wrike

Integrated.Live - 17 November 2016