Actually Social Media Workbook


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Actually The Beginning of A New Age: Social Media, Brands & Engagement2

The Beginning of A New Age: Social Media, Brands & Engagement

Actually’s Social Media Workbook

A t first glance, the art of branding with social media can

seem unplanned and very casual, but there’s value behind

each successful tactic, each deserving of a big hand of

applause. Every post, tweet and pin is strategically aligned with

business objectives, to strengthen brand awareness by driving traffic,

increasing your web presence with content and keywords, and building

relationships with your audience.

The purpose of Actually’s Social Media workbook is to help you

understand the potential in social media and how it can strengthen

your web presence, if used properly. To reach your online goals, you’ll

need to have a clearly defined set of objectives that are measurable, and

we’re here to help you do that. At the end of this workbook, you’ll have a

great list of objectives, strategies and tactics to engage with your target

audience and help you build lightweight relationships.

The new way of the Internet isn’t just through searches; it’s through

social media.

Confused yet? Don’t be. We’ll explain everything about social media,

but first, let’s start with Google’s statement telling us there’s no better

marketing or advertising than our own interests and the interests of our

friends. So, what matters to you, matters to them and vice versa.

The Beginning of A New Age: Social Media, Brands & Engagement Actually 3

And this is why Google introduced social signals into their search

algorithm. Social signals are Facebook likes and shares, tweets,

retweets, Twitter following, LinkedIn shares, Google +’s and YouTube

views. All measure how influential you are or how relevant you are

to your fans and followers. Google says, “Social media and social

networking are about relationships and relationships prove relevance

and relevance is at the core of organic search”. Now let’s take a second

and reflect on this statement, social signals account for 8-10% of Google’s

search algorithm (gShiftLabs). This means you can actually improve

your rankings in Google search by increasing the amount of social

signals you generate! And so, the strategy behind this is simple: create

more types of content, more often, and more people will find you, like

you, and follow you.

But it’s not over just yet – you’ve got all the facts, but now you need to

develop a content marketing strategy that’s:

a) Based on the quality and quantity of your posts.

Here at Actually we publish at least 250 words of content in the form of a

blog article, four days a week. We think more is better, but not too much,

as we don’t want to overwhelm our audience. We include all keywords

for SEO purposes and we also follow our brand guidelines, specially

including keywords into the opening and ending copy, plus headers.

b) Focused on rising trends.

A typical trend we’ve jumped on is posting lifestyle related content –

food, entertainment and daily music tracks to our Facebook. We don’t

want to encourage Actually’s Facebook likers to unlike us ‘cause all

we ever do is post articles related to the design world. We know our

audience has other interests besides design, and we want to relate to our

audience! We’ll continue to do this by keeping our audience informed,

engaged and entertained with subjects they’re interested in!

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Finding out the Best Time to Post ContentThat famous quote “Less is More” certainly applies when it comes to

publishing content on Facebook. Did you know that posting on

Facebook once or twice a day increases user engagement by 40%

verses posting more than twice a day? Phew! That’s great news for

people on time budgets. Facebook engagement rates tend to spike

around noon and a little after 7:00pm on weekdays (blog.kissmetrics).

You may have similar findings in your own sites’ traffic.

1. Take a look at your Google Analytics, Facebook Insights and

other tools you’ve been using to measure traffic, and determine

the two most popular times of the day your fans engage with you.

( Fill in all that apply)Most Popular

Time of Day

2nd Most Popular

Time of Day








The Beginning of A New Age: Social Media, Brands & Engagement Actually 5

Keeping up with Rising TrendsOne of the fastest growing digital trends today is the use of mobile media

and mobile social network. Users are expected to increase by 210%

between 2011 and 2016 (Virtue). Holy Moly! If you’re not already jumping

on this speeding bandwagon, then you need to. On top of this, video

streaming now makes up 39% of all mobile traffic (blog.hubspot).

This gives marketers a really good reason to push video content on

their social spaces, especially when it comes to Facebook.

2.Make a list of five possible video posts your target audience

would be interested in watching on the go. Think of things that

your audience will enjoy watching, find interesting or evoke

some type of emotion, but try to avoid controversial topics

that might upset your target audience.






Actually The Beginning of A New Age: Social Media, Brands & Engagement6

Another awesome content format for mobile media are podcasts.

Nothing beats whipping out your headphones and finding an interesting

distraction when you’re on the go, right commuters? Some great

podcast ideas are speeches or interviews with influential people. But

as long as the content is welcoming, entertaining and relevant, your

audience will love to listen!

3.Let’s brainstorm a list of five possible podcast topics your

target audience would be into hearing or watching:






The Best Types of ContentIs there such a thing as “Best Content Practices?” Actually, there is!

Here’s a few tips to help you ensure your success in producing great

online content. First of all, posts less than 250 characters generate 60%

more likes, comments and shares than posts over 250 (Jeff Bullas).

The Beginning of A New Age: Social Media, Brands & Engagement Actually 7

Second of all, visuals have an even greater effect on viewers, so go ahead

and use images and videos!

Content Type Engagement

Photo Album 180% more

Picture 120% more

Video 100% more

Visuals like photos and videos have become an important way a brand

can communicate to their audience. Yep, that’s right! Using photos and

videos can make a huge difference in your online presence, so have fun,

be creative and get uploading.

4. In this exercise, start thinking about what your target audience

is interested in seeing and watching. List five different photos,

illustrations, infographics or video ideas your audience

would like:






Actually The Beginning of A New Age: Social Media, Brands & Engagement8

Generating More Social SignalsGenerating social signals is easy to do, but it will take effort. Media forms

like blog posts, video tutorials, email newsletters, free reports

and Slideshare presentations increase the amount of social signals

your online presence generates.

5. What are some content media forms you would like to use

or plan to use, to optimize your social signals? Identify 3-5

content media forms. If you’ll only be using one, jot down a

few other ideas to help generate more social signals.






p.s. If you haven’t already implemented these types of social signals,

like blog posts, videos, and email newsletters, we can help.

Reach out to us and we’ll get you started.

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Increasing Your Viral ReachViral reach happens when your fans and followers share your content.

So how do you make your content more shareable? You can start

by using a personal tone. Try thinking about what your audience is

interested in and use vocabulary they would use (Social Media Today).

Can you think of ways to spark an emotional response or generate a

debate from your audience? We’re asking because when someone is

deeply interested in a topic, the chances of them responding to you

are much higher. So, topics of interest are a great way to get started,

and they could be current events, news, heart-warming stories or pop

culture references.

6. Begin a list of 5-7 words or phrases that’s unique to your

audience. If you’re a paint shop owner, use words that are

unique to your audience, such as, hue, finish, smooth,

sheen, eggshell, semi-glossy, and stroke to describe paint

techniques and colour








Actually The Beginning of A New Age: Social Media, Brands & Engagement10

7. Now let’s start working on a list of 5 possible topics your target

audience would find interesting. These topics could be new and

rising trends in the industry, recent events, recent successes or

a new product or service::






p.s. Remember, if you need help generating more social signals get in

touch. Don’t forget, we’re the extra hand.

What Really Influences Your Target AudienceThe web is being rebuilt around people, their interests and their friends

(SimplyZesty) and this is really what gets consumers. Have you ever

bought a book on Amazon? Did you notice the section “people who

bought this book also bought these books”? This is a great marketing

tactic because it connects you with other consumers who share similar

interests, presents new information, suggestions and opportunities

without having to do the research yourself. Social input from those

around us has transformed the way we live and do business as

consumers. And Amazon’s marketing tool is proof of this.

The Beginning of A New Age: Social Media, Brands & Engagement Actually 11

8.Think of 3-5 ways you can influence your market with your

product or service, by engaging fans and followers with

“what others thought” or “what your friends liked”:






Social Media Marketing ObjectivesAccording to Facebook, the way people build relationships with each

other and the way they build relationships with brands happens in

the exact same way (SimplyZesty). By keeping this in mind, we want to

create a social experience with our target audience by having frequent

and lightweight interactions, letting us build a foundation for a great

relationship. Lightweight interactions are short, quick interactions with

your target audience where you give them an opportunity to get excited,

get inspired and become engaged. Providing frequent and lightweight

interactions is a must do for your social media marketing objectives.

A lightweight example can be a simple 200-character Facebook post,

tweet, photo or infographic on Pinterest, maybe even a 2-minute video

on YouTube. Whatever it may be, a lightweight

Actually The Beginning of A New Age: Social Media, Brands & Engagement12

interaction means engaging with the people you don’t know well, often,

but with lightweight carefree conversation topics, like photos, videos,

tweets or posts. Keep it casual in the beginning stages and watch the

relationships flourish.

9. Can you come up with five different ways to interact with your

target audience that could be considered lightweight?

List them here:






Okay, we’ve got one more fact to help build your social media objectives.

Did you know our brains process information of brands in the exact

same way it processes information of people? (SimplyZesty). Now that

we know this, there’s several tactics you can use to ensure your fans and

followers will build a relationship with you or your brand. The first thing

you need to do is decide what time of day you will publish your posts,

and what you’re going to publish. It’s that easy.

The Beginning of A New Age: Social Media, Brands & Engagement Actually 13

10.So, how will you guarantee your fans and followers will

receive many lightweight interactions over time?

Get Noticed on Social Media Now that you know the ins and outs of social media engagement, you

might still not know the right thing to do, or have the time to implement

it all. So why not let us work with you and turn your web presence into

a dynamic work of art. Let’s be social media trail blazers together, for

your market.

Remember, our job is to help you manage your social media marketing

initiatives and meet your business’s objectives through content

marketing strategies and effective branding solutions.

Actually The Beginning of A New Age: Social Media, Brands & Engagement14

We can help you use social media to:

• Increase your brand awareness and loyalty

• Build relationships and increase your social sphere through

word of mouth

• Allow you customers to interact with you (business) one-on-one

• Build trust amongst your target audience

• Increase your website traffic through social media integration

• Achieve or increase measurable ROI from social

marketing programs

• Convert social media network users into paying customers

• Achieve or increase measurable lead generation

f rom social marketing

• Improve search engine ranking position

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Jeff Bullas





Social Media Today

Actually92 Caplan Ave, P.O. Box 147 | Barrie, Ontario L4N 0Z7 |
