Actors interview questions manny


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Name: Manny Role: Boy Age: 18

Interview Questions

Why do you think you’re suitable for this role?I feel that I am suitable for this role because acting is a passion of mine and I truly believe I can adapt to any character assigned to me.

What experiences do you have?Experiences I have are that I have done Drama as a subject for many years. I have done quite a lot of performances and I know what is effective to the audience. I got an A in my practical exam for my AS Drama exam and I know a lot of skills and elements that could be used in this trailer.

What qualities and skills could you bring to this movie?I can bring my experiences of my past into the trailer as I have done a lot so I can give many ideas. I am very dramatic and I love to act therefore I think I would add to the trailer in a positive way.

How do you feel you can relate to the character?I can relate to my character as I can scream and be very loud, I don’t mind being outrageous and I can do anything I am asked to do.

Name: Manny Role: Boy Age: 18
