Accounting Marketing Platforms part 3 of 4


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Accounting Marketing Platforms:

An overview of different marketing platforms with information on usage, statistics and more

Table of Contents:

Page Titles: Page Numbers: Digital Marketing 6

Display Advertising 18Email Marketing 28Mobile Marketing 41Search Engine Advertising 55Social Media Marketing 65

Social Media Strategic Positioning 87Facebook Strategic Positioning 88LinkedIn Strategic Positioning 93

Advertising on Social Media 100Facebook Advertising 101LinkedIn Advertising 113

Page Titles: Page Numbers: AdRoll & Facebook Video 123

Editorial Calendar & Analytics 143Video Advertising 149

YouTube Video Advertising 166Webinars 183

Traditional Marketing 218Direct Mail 219Print Media 229

Print Media Marketing 235Newspaper & Brochure Marketing


Tips 247Work Cited 256

Video Advertising:An overview of video marketing.

Video Advertising:Ad Spending-

2012 2013 2014 2015HUF 0

HUF 500

HUF 1,000

HUF 1,500

HUF 2,000

HUF 2,500










HUF 285HUF 503

HUF 1,225

HUF 2,097





Video: Millions of HUF

Money Spent YOY %Compiled by authors from Sources:, Starcom

Video Advertising: Statistics-

Increases viewer’s understanding of products or services by 74%

26% of viewers look for more information after viewing a video ad

80% of Internet users remember the video ads they watch online

80% of users go online to watch a video, but 45% of users will stop after 1 min

75% of users visit the marketer’s website after viewing a video

Videos 15 secs or shorter are shared 37% more often than those that are 30 secs to a min

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Video Advertising:Facts-

Video marketing is climbing in popularity:

Companies are realizing how useful it can be to communicate with customers in new, more personal ways

The Different Formats Of Video Advertising:

Linear Video Ads

Interactive Video


Video AdsCompanio

n Video Ads

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Video Advertising:Why to Use-

Time factor

• Internet access is everywhere and it is easy to download onto mobile devices

• More time is spent on watching video online than on watching TV on a daily basis

Targeted audience 

• Can target specific audiences anytime of day or night

• Consumers also search for videos online

Interactive conversions 

• Higher conversion rates after watching videos

• Can use a call to action button that can lead to higher conversions

Search marketing

• All the major search engines like Google, index videos as part of their search

• Results will show any video related to the search

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Video Advertising:Tips-

• Plan your messaging, production and delivery before you create your video Plan It Out:

• People are almost twice as likely to watch all the way through a 15-second spot versus a 30-second oneKeep In Short:

• Trust and engagement are two of the most important factors in successful video marketing strategies

Build Relationships:

• A video campaign should have specific objectives such as driving new traffic to the website, increasing social engagement on Facebook or to receive responses from a targeted e-mail blast

Define & Measure Specific


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Video Advertising:Pros and Cons-


Cost Real-time Results

Multiple Formats & Versatility


Global Reach

Sharing Potential


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Ad Skipping


Improper Placeme


The Wrong Kind of Data

YouTube Video Advertising:How to successfully use YouTube to advertise.


More than 1 billion people visit YouTube and watch over 6 billion hours every month

All of the top 100 global brands have run YouTube ads over the past year

YouTube reaches more US adults aged 18-34 than any cable network

You can show ads based on the viewer, where they’re located, and what they’re interested in


100 hours of video are uploaded every 60 seconds to YouTube

About 60% of viewers are from outside of the US

YouTube is localized in 85 countries and across 61 languages

YouTube offers localized experience including domain and country-specific video recommendations

9% of US small businesses use YouTube

YouTube: Pros-

YouTube has a lot of Traffic

• If targeted properly, reaching your audience can be relatively easy, either by creating videos or through running ads

YouTube increases SEO

for Google searches

• Google now considers video as important as text-only pages

Video Content never Dies

• Can help to re-purpose already published content with minimal investment

Demonstrating Expertise

• Users are searcher for answers- Build authority by offering expertise with advice and tips

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YouTube: Pros-

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Growing an International


• YouTube gives companies the opportunity to reach audiences worldwide through video who would never come across the business any other way, even if only one language is spoken

Increase Conversions

• If traffic is driven to a landing page with a video of a person in the company speaking about the product or service, it can dramatically increase conversions

Showcase Products/Servi

ces • Use video as a strategy to

introduce customers to products and services

YouTube: Cons-

Inconsistent Streaming

• Viewers may experience slow playback during high traffic times

Poor for B2B Marketing

• Many companies block their employees from browsing YouTube while at work- YouTube is the 3rd most blocked website

Unwanted competition

• A comparator's ads may run during your video- it can be a related videos link, as a promoted video ad, an overlay ads, or as a banner ad

Limited Customization

• YouTube has restrictions on videos posted on its platform that may affect the production of videos as a promotional tool for business

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YouTube: Types of Ads-

Display ads

Overlay ads

Skippable video


Non-skippable video


Sponsored cards

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YouTube: Ads-

Types of Ads:

Display Ads

Overlay Ads

Skippable Video Ads

Non-Skippable Video Ads

Sponsored Cards

Ad Payment:

In-Stream Ads

Pay when a viewer watches 30 seconds of the video or engages in other video interactions

In-Display Ads

Charged when a viewer clicks the ad and begins watching the video

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YouTube: Creating a Campaign-

Step 1: Create a YouTube and an AdWords Account

Step 2: Link AdWords and YouTube Accounts

Step 3: Set the General Settings

Step 4: Decide who, how, and where Viewers will See the Ad

• Create a new account or log in and go to the “Campaign” tab to create a new video ad campaign

• Click the “Linked YouTube accounts” link in the navigation menu to link both accounts

• Set the budget per day- It’s better to start small and scale up

• Ads typically cost around $.01 – $0.23 per view- Google wont charge unless the viewer watches the ad

• Target your audience using perpetrators such as countries, regions, cities, ZIP codes, IP addresses

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YouTube: Creating a Campaign-

Step 5: Upload the Video

Step 6: Advanced Settings

Step 7: Device Targeting

Step 8: Select Age, Gender, Topics & More

• Select the video to be used and upload it to a YouTube account

• In the “advanced settings” section, dictated if there will be any specifications for running the ad as well as the start and end date the new campaign

• Choose specific devices the ad will target- mobile, desktop, laptop, tablets, etc.  

• Target your audience through demographics and keywords- the more in depth the better the targeting

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YouTube: Tips-

•The length of the video plays an important part•Leave the 30 second videos for In-Stream ads•Use longer videos for In-Search and In-Display ads•Test different lengths and keep an eye on stats to track the drop off times

Pick the Right Video

•Use the channel page to provide more information about the brand, share links to key landing pages or social media sites, and post related

•Make sure it is compelling and interesting for the audience- Always think about what’s in it for the viewers

•The single most valuable piece of real estate on the channel page is the Clickable Channel Banner- Upload a banner that has a clear call to action

Optimize the

Channel Page

•Use broader keywords and shorter keyword phrases•The average CPVs tend to be cheaper than average CPCs so top keywords may not be prohibitively expensive

•Use multiple tools to get additional suggestions for keywords rather than relying on a single tool or copying keywords from existing search campaigns

Select the Right

KeywordsCompiled by authors from Sources:

YouTube: Tips-

• Send ads to users who have previously visited the YouTube page

• Create remarketing lists based on various ways people interact with the videos

Use Video Remarketi

ng• Use and annotation to showcase a call to action

with a link at key points • Extent the video and add a annotation to keep

people engaged to learn more about the brand

Leverage Annotatio


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Webinars:How to successfully use webinars to generate new leads and


Webinars:What are they?

A webinar is conference, meeting, or presentation conducted on the Internet

It is held just like any regular seminar but the participants are located in different places around the globe

They are a lot like live theater- They take a crazy amount of planning and execution to pull off without a hitch

Webinars:What are they?

Related Terms

Web conference

Online meeting

Web-based meeting

Net meeting

Virtual meeting


Compiled by authors from Sources: Jeffrey Keefer at


Webinars are the 2nd most effective tactic of lead generation

The most popular days for holding webinars are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

The average duration of a webinar is 45-60 minutes

Webinars: Statistics-

Over 60% of marketers are using webinars as part of their content marketing


The average webinar attendance rate is 40– 50%

of registrantsWebinars cost

between $100 and $3,000 depending on promotion and

technology to produce

48% of people said that webinars were

least enjoyable when there was a

poor presenter

Between 20% and 40% of webinar attendees turned

into qualified leads

64% of attendees book webinars in the week

which the webinar takes place

Only 36% of participants book a webinar more than

one week in advance

19% of webinar attendees join a demo if offered

after the webinar

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Webinars: Statistics-

Visual Slides; 15%

Interesting and Relavant Con-

tent; 38%

Passionate and Energetic

Speaker; 32%

Interaction Be-tween the

Speaker and At-tendee; 15%

What Engages Attendees during a Webinar?

Compiled by authors from Sources: GoToWebinar at


Type Description Pro Con

One SpeakerA single presenter speaks, demonstrates, and then answers questions from the audience

Less people to coordinate and trainA lone presenter is more likely to make some in the audience reluctant to participate and ask questions

Interview Style Interviewer asks a set of predetermined questions

It’s more engaging to hear multiple voices

The asking questions of the expert(s) often encourages the audience to do the same

More people to train and coordinate

Scheduling during and the day of the webinar may be more difficult

Moderated Panel


Multiple people on the line at the same time, with a moderator facilitating the discussion

Offers a variety of voices and perspectives

More people to train and coordinate

Scheduling during and the day of the webinar may be more difficult

Can be challenging to keep panelists from talking over each other

InteractiveAudience members participate fully via instructor-led exercises and facilitated conversations

Participants can receive a deeper understanding of the topic

Can only accommodate a small group

Requires a very skilled, experienced teacher/facilitator

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Webinars:Typical Format Used-

Typical Format of Educational

and Informational



Main Content

Audience Interactio


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Webinars:Typical Format Used-

IntroductionSet the scene and the audience’s expectations:

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Title Slide• Included the webinar title, the host’s name and photograph, and any other presenters’ names

and photographs• Also include any other information, such as sponsor names and logos, your contact information,

or logistics information about joining the webinar. Logistics

• Explain how webinar works for first timers• It’s still worth including simply as a reminder to veterans as well

About the Presenters• Introduce the host and any other presenters• Include any relevant credentials

Overview • Explain how the content is arranged to shows the “big picture” for the material • As the webinar progresses, repeating this slide with a different section highlighted each time

reminds the participants of the overall message

Webinars:Typical Format Used- Main

Content Usually the longest portion of a webinar

Structure the slides in a logical sequence so the main points flow easily and make sense to the audience

Depending on the purpose and audience, one structure may be more interesting than the another

Webinars:Typical Format Used- Main

Content•Often appears in business presentations:•How were things done in the past? •What is the current situation?•What are you proposing for the future?

•Useful for explaining change over time

In a Timelin


•Some topics affects people differently in different parts of the country or the world

•Talk about a common theme and how each region is impacted differently


•Some topics are solutions to problems- explain both the problem and the solution

•Also describe the cause and effect

Problem to


•When trying to the audience to change their behavior, consider the “traffic lights” approach: ·•Red: What should they stop doing?•Yellow: What should they continue doing?

•Green: What should they start doing?

Traffic Lights

•The most basic structure is to simply list all the points

•Not a particularly interesting structure for the audience- Only use it if there’s no better option available


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Common ways to structure the main content:

Webinars:Typical Format Used- Audience Interaction

Audience interaction does not only have to be at the end

Design specific points for interaction and prompt the audience to participate


• Use a Q&A slide in the presentation to make it clear to the audience to ask questions

• This is more effective than simply asking “Any questions?”


• First, use a slide with the poll question on it to ask the question and to describe the poll

• Then launch the poll in the webinar software- any specific instructions can be added before people respond to the poll

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from anywhere

Travel is not required

Collaborative and


Live in real time

Secure access Professional

Few or many participants

Web-based software

with small local

downloadsCompiled by authors from Sources:


They allow anyone to take part regardless of the location and the time of day

Only a stable internet connection is needed to stream video content without interruption

They allow brands to teach, interact and inspire consumers in an environment they are comfortable

It saves time, effort and money instead of inviting people to an actual seminar

Distance is not a factor to meeting, learning and engaging people


Webinars are not a good way for everyone to learn

Know your target- Some prefer classroom learning and meeting people personally

Internet speed must be adequate to allow viewership of the presentation without distortion or lag time

Audio may be limited to the presenter doing a voiceover and participants can’t interact till the end

Some may have a question but forget it or time may run out at the end

Participants or presenters may have to pay for phone charges for audio

Webinars:How to Develop One-

Step 1: Project Kickoff

and Scheduli


• Define the objectives, target audience, and desired outcomes, • Webinars should be

viewed and treated as part of a marketing campaign

• They should have a set of objectives that are measurable

• Answer the question “What’s In It For Me?” for your target audience

• Give your target audience content that is engaging and not repetitive or vague

• Determine what will be the call to action

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Step 1: Project Kickoff

and Scheduli


• Set up a project timeline and compile an interdisciplinary team• It is all about the plan• The more done up front,

the more successful the webinar will be

• Give your team around eight weeks of production

Webinars:How to Develop One-

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• Manages and supervises all executions of the schedule, leads meetings, coordinates ensembles and deliverables; including marketing and sales automation platformsProject Manager

• Facilitates message delivery, the coaching of speakers and the development of the content, manages webinar platform, and may act as the On-Air moderator

Content Producer

• Creates the invitations and branding for the registration landing page and PowerPoint slides, and manages the video editingCreative

Director• Prepares audience recruitment, executes invitation strategy, collects

tracking metrics Audience

Recruitment Analyst

• Hosts the webinar, welcomes the audience, introduces speaker(s), handles Q&A, and moderates any situation that may arise during the webinarModerator

• Delivers the webinar content in an engaging way, answers questions, and interacts with audienceSpeaker

Step 1: Interdisciplinary Team Roles:

Webinars:How to Develop One-

Step 1: Project Kickoff

and Scheduli


• Hold a kick-off meeting• Use a cross-functional

production team led by a strong project manager- the webinar producer

• Get the team to meet one another, connect and feel comfortable

• Set up a virtual folder for sharing webinar files like work plans, presentations, and head shots

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Step 1: Project Kickoff

and Scheduli


• Schedule your webinar with your webinar host• Once the date, time,

speaker, title, and content description established, schedule your webinar

Webinars:How to Develop One-

Step 2: Webinar Promotio

n and Tracking

• Write a compelling invitation• Gather information about

the audience and why they should participate, the webinar objectives, key metrics and the call to action

• Use the invitation to attract the right audience

• Leave out the product pitch- focus on learning

• Give enough detail so that the reader knows what to expect

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Step 2: Webinar Promotio

n and Tracking

• Create the Registration Landing Page• The purpose is to get

visitors to register for the webinar and learn to learn about the audience without being invasive

• Make sure to include branding and theme imagery similar to the invitation

Webinars:How to Develop One-

Compiled by authors from Sources:

The Subject Line

Make it something that will get people to respond to- Choose words that pack a punch, incite curiosity and urgency

Webinar Title Use powerful, compelling language to convey the critical information attendees will learn

Brief Description

Write 1-2 short paragraphs that offers a preview of the webinar- Why is this information a must have?Use audience’s jargon – use language they will relate toInvite and enthuse- but don’t sell

Four Bulleted Key Messages

Summarize in 3-4 bulleted phrases what attendees will learn and take away

Call To Action Tell audience where to register

Speakers Including a professional photo, job title, and a one-line bio of your speaker to increase credibility

Date and Time Don’t forget include the time zone

What to Included in the Invitation:

Webinars:How to Develop One-

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Step 2: Webinar Promotio

n and Tracking

• Source the right audience• Identify prospect list

sources that match the audience profile

Step 2: Webinar Promotio

n and Tracking

• Execute your invitation strategy – start audience recruitment• Start promoting the

webinar 2.5 – 3 weeks before the event with well-timed invitation

• Create a series of impactful messages to drive registrations

Webinars:How to Develop One-

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Step 2: Webinar

Promotion and Tracking

• Track registration metrics daily• Check your metrics daily and adjust your strategy based on CTR

and intelligence captured via landing page and direct feedback• Metrics can be used to help navigate and reach the target

audience• It’s ok to make changes to the invitations for the 2nd or 3rd release

based on registration metrics or to the registration question answers

Webinars:How to Develop One-

Step 3: Sound

Checks and


• Begin creating relevant content• For each slide ask if it is a

must have or a nice to have

• Develop content based on key messages in the invitation

• Focused on the most relevant information

• Don’t create slides so complicated that the audience doesn’t pay attention to the speaker

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Step 3: Sound

Checks and


• Gather team for a content review and brainstorm• Helps in creating flow and

identify any gaps

Webinars:How to Develop One-

Step 3: Sound

Checks and


• Gather speakers and moderator for rehearsals• Rehears the webinar with

the moderator• Coordinate cues, review

slides, adjust content based feedback- create a production script

• A chance to check the sound of the speaker over the internet with the slideshow

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Step 3: Sound

Checks and


• Gather team for one or two final rehearsals• Perform the webinar

as if live, do final editing, polishing, and spell checking the of content

• Make sure the flow is conversational and engaging

Webinars:How to Develop One-

Step 4: Go Live

• Go through a final check 30 minutes prior to the final sound check• The organizer(s), the

moderator, and speakers should independently do a run through to optimize audio and video connections within the network

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Step 4: Go Live

• Go to your hosting site and meet with speakers one hour prior to going live for a final sound check• Run through the slides one

more time, answer questions, and review Plan B

• Be sure to grab something to drink– speaking has the tendency to parch a speaker’s mouth

Webinars:How to Develop One-

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Step 4: Go Live

• Go live!• Remind the speaker that it’s about connection, not perfection

Webinars:How to Develop One-

Step 5: Post

Webinar Follow-


• File a copy of the recorded webinar• Archive a copy of the

recorded webinar for future use and reference

• Make sure that the file is converted into a format that can be viewed by the masses

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Step 5: Post

Webinar Follow-


• Send a follow-up thank you to all participant and include valuable information• Follow up with registrants

and attendees within 1-2 days after the event

Webinars:How to Develop One-

Step 5: Post



• Send a follow-up all who registered but did not attend and include valuable information• Follow up with a

link to your recorded webinar

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Step 5: Post



•Do final analytics on the registration, attendance, and get performance reports•Gather all of the metrics collected before, during, and after the webinar

•Determine which prospects are ready to convert, which will require additional nurturing, and which are dead ends


It is suggested to have 3 weeks of promotion prior to the webinar

Tuesday and Wednesday are the days most prefer to attended a webinar

For detailed topics, consider making a series of webinars

Participants prefer to attend webinars late morning to early afternoon- think lunch hour

Keep delivery under 45 minutes to retain audience and allow for Q&A

Don’t save the call-to-action until the last few minutes

Contact Us for the Full Presentation:

Mediacontact USA Inc.13575 58TH Street North #160

Clearwater, Fl. 33760

T: 727 538 4112E:

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