A Brand Guide to Instagram Contests


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Hosting a contest on Instagram is a great way to involve the wider community with your brand.

And contests can help you achieve many marketing goals

Reach Followers UGC Brand Awareness

There are various different ways of running contests, depending on what your goals are…

If you’re aiming for UGC: If you’re aiming for Followers:

Run a contest that requires users to post a photo with

the contest hashtag to enter

Run a contest that requires users to follow your

account and comment on a post to enter

Whatever type of contest you are running, remember that an enticing prize is crucial to success…

You are asking users to do something for you and

the reward needs to be worth it.

The theme is equally important and should be open and accessible.

A theme that is too niche or localized will automatically reduce the number of people who can/will participate. NB.

Prizes too specific to a place/ location Difficult requirements for entering contest

Universal prize, appealing to your target audience Simple requirements to enter contest

With a great prize and simple theme you are on the right track to gaining large reach, followers, UGC

and brand awareness.


An automotive brand ran a photo contest asking Instagram to share their special

places. The prizes were a pair of round the world tickets and 3 GoPros cameras for

runners up.

Result: 17,000+ images with contest hashtag

Great prize ✓ Simple theme Global✓✓

A luxury Champagne brand ran a contest giving away a set of $1,000 Amex vouchers

to a pair of best friends. To enter, users followed the brand account and

commented on a post.

Result: 5,995 new followers, 8,072 comments


Great prize ✓ Simple theme Open Concept✓✓

!Don’t forget to post the link to the contest Terms and

Conditions on your Instagram account.

You can read Instagram guidelines for promotions here

To gain extra traction and exposure, promote your contest with Instagram Influencers.

NEED HELP PLANNING A CONTEST? Get in touch with our team

advertisers@brandnew.io www.brandnew.io

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