6 Tips to Create Killer Insurance Marketing Strategies for Your Website


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6 Tips to Create Killer

Insurance Marketing

Strategies for Your


So you’ve got a stellar

professional website for your

brokerage, but without the

right marketing strategies

in place, who’s going

to see it?

If you can play your digital marketing cards right, your website has the potential to be a virtual magnet for clients.

So it’s time to start attracting quality leads, retaining

visitors with high quality content and simultaneously

establishing your brokerage as an industry leader.

Here’s six killer tips to keep in mind when

planning your online marketing strategies.

Firstly, it’s crucial to build up your evergreen

content - that’s SEO rich content that stays fresh

for both regular and new users.

It makes far more sense to attract visitors by producing great evergreen content and rank organically on the first page of Google

Rather than having to pay every time someone clicks on an

advert and lands on your website.

Research shows that today's insurance buyers are more likely to make a purchase from a brand that creates custom content.

So publishing original content makes sense in terms of your

financial resources and it will almost certainly be more


Secondly, using effective keywords really helps

people find your website.

Think about the phrases that your potential buyers and current customers may use when web browsing and do further research to confirm your assumptions.

Use a combination of short and long-tail keywords, as well

as associated terms and varied syntax.

There are quite a few keyword tools out there such as Google Adwords, Moz Keyword Explorer, Keyword Discovery and Majestic SEO.

They will help you to discover the search terms you need

and gather the necessary data.

Thirdly, make sure you’re creating value for a

specific target.

Every piece you produce should answer a relevant question for one of your buyer personas.

What you publish needs to help build awareness of the

issues and problems that your buyers are facing and provide

the specific guidance they are searching for.

By ensuring that each piece is relevant in this way, your

evergreen content never loses its value and your site

becomes essential within the digital world.

Tip number four is to be consistent with your

content output.

Having at least two posts every week will help to build

traffic to your site and establish your brokerage as a leader

in your sector of the insurance industry.

For a brokerage with less than ten employees, maintaining

this consistent level of output will make a huge difference in

terms of website traffic and therefore increase the number

of potential leads.

In at number five: be aware that fresh ‘evergreen’

content leads to more social shares.

Content that has long-term relevance will be shared with more confidence than something that is only temporarily trending.

Solid evergreen content will give your online presence a boost

and help to build your brand on social media by drawing

more readers to your website.

Whenever you post something new on your website, make

sure that you announce it through your social media

channels to immediately drive more traffic to your


Finally, think about repurposing your evergreen


Reworking your blog posts into a comprehensive eBook or a useful white paper for your readers to download is a great way to offer more value to your users.

All that research that you did for the original article - why

not turn some of it into an attractive infographic or

compelling short piece of video content?

So there you have it!

Six key tips to ensure that you are using the right tools available

To produce high-quality and targeted content that

will has the longevity to work hard for you online.