5 Social Networking Sites Insurance Brokers Should Be Using


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5 Social Networking Sites Insurance Brokers Should Be Using

We all know about the power of social media, but with so much choice, which platforms are the most effective for

insurance brokers? 

Let’s take a quick look through the top 5 sites to see why, and how, you should be using them.

First up is LinkedIn - a sort of ‘boutique’ social media platform that is ideal for insurance brokers who want to

connect with like-minded figures in the market and display their industry expertise to potential clients and partners.

As well as your personal profile, LinkedIn also provides a company section. From here you can either post links to

content hosted on the company website or publish directly from LinkedIn, developing authority and underscoring the in-depth market knowledge that the brokerage possesses.

Next up is Google + and although it doesn’t enjoy the huge user base that the big hitters can boast, it’s certainly worth

your attention for one key reason:

Google pays closer attention to activity on its own platform than on its rivals and scoring highly with Google’s search

engine is vital for success in any business.

The content you post through the platform becomes linked to your name as far as Google is concerned. Now just sit

back and watch your market authority skyrocket!

With over 1.8 billion users worldwide, Facebook remains top of the ever growing social media tree. It gives users

everything they want on one platform.

Hashtags may have originated with Twitter but they’re now used all over Facebook too.

Periscope carved out a live broadcast niche, but was swiftly joined and now dominated by Facebook Live. 

Share content, create events, generate buzz via live webchats…

Facebook has all the tools for engagement and a huge audience ready to listen.

For a more direct form of engagement and thriving social conversation, you can’t beat Twitter. 

Receive a bad review?

Reach out to the reviewer directly and publicly, offering a structured solution to their problem and demonstrating your

finely-honed customer service skills. 

Need to broaden your reach?

Post frequently and authoritatively on any subjects relevant to your industry and watch the trickle of inbound leads grow

into a torrent.

It’s the sort of lead generation and brand strengthening that brokers would have paid consultancy firms a small fortune

for in the past - now it’s free!

If all the platforms mentioned above represent the big guns in your social media arsenal, then Pinterest is your supply line, reinforcing and supporting the efforts of the more

famous social channels.

Pinterest is incredibly valuable when it comes to driving traffic directly to your website. 

Share your own content on Pinterest using an eye-catching image and then use the built-in analytics to track


It’s a visual medium, ideal for deploying data visualisations and infographics, all of which enable the user to get to

grips with the facts quickly and effectively. 

The “Pin It” button even enables other users to share your content directly to Pinterest, further expanding your reach.

So there you have it! Five social platforms that can help you make an impact with your insurance marketing


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