39 Perfect GIFs For Your Next Presentation (Download for Animations)


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39 Perfect GIFs For Your Next Marketing Presentation

Bad presentations are painful.

For both the presenter and the audience suffering through it, these

can feel like dying a slow death.

Unfortunately, many of us have sat through a countless number of these.

So how can you ensure your presentation doesn’t result in your

audience falling asleep in front of you?

Make them visual40% of people respond better to visual information than plan text.

Source: NewsCred, 50 Stats You Need to Know About Content Marketing, 2013

Incorporate Humor“If you can get someone to laugh with you, they

will be more willing to identify with you, listen to you. It parts the waters.”

- Robert Orben -

While there are many approaches one can take to incorporate these aspects into a presentation, there is one thing you can

do to include both at once.

That’s right, we’re talking about GIFs.

The GIF, which stands for “Graphic

Interchange Format,” is actually a “TBT” in the

computer world.

It is a bitmap image format that was introduced by CompuServe in 1987.

In non-computer speak, GIFs are essentially short clips of moving images.

Remember this dancing baby?

Remember this dancing baby?

And this dancing banana?

Remember this dancing baby?

And this dancing banana?

They were the original GIFs.

While their popularity declined throughout the 90s, GIFs have seen a

revival in the past several years.


GIFs have the unique ability to capture short clips of familiar emotions and

moments, often with a humorous bent.

“Typically a GIF is used as a visual analogy to a relevant topic. Feeling overwhelmed? Here’s a cat being chased by a dozen


“Typically a GIF is used as a visual analogy to a relevant topic. Feeling overwhelmed? Here’s a cat being chased by a dozen


“Part of the humor – and humor is almost always the reason for using a GIF – is finding a visual analogy that is completely

surprising but relevant.”

Here, we’ve hand-selected our favorite GIFs and broken them down for you into

different scenarios to ensure your presentation entertains, engages and

resonates with your audience.

When you’re presenting some confusing information…

Going over year-end financial reports? You’re bound to get a few blank stares.

…or boring information

Financial reports aren’t the most riveting either…

When you’re drawing attention to a problem…

…and then introducing your innovating solution.

When you’re trying to motivate and inspire your team…

…and now it’s time to celebrate.

It may not be appropriate to do a dance yourself, but a GIF of someone else doing so is almost just as


When you’re announcing exiting news…

…or some sad news.

When you’re announcing something unexpected.

When you’re speaking to information no one wants to hear...

…and when you get to the good part everyone has been waiting for.

When you’re announcing a huge accomplishment.

When you’re asking for help.

Who can resist these faces?

Finally, when you thank you audience at the end of your presentation.

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