10 Ways You Are Killing Your Form Response Rates - And How to Fix It



Lead generation forms have their own ways. Learn how to improve response rates by avoiding 10 common goofs that discourage form fills. This Slideshare has been part of the 123ContactForm webinar on March 26, 2014. Join us for the next events to be announced on the company blog (http://blog.123contactform.com) and on our Google Plus page!

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Laura Moiseilaura@123contactform.com@Laura_Moi_

Webinar10 Ways You’re Killing Your Form Response

Rates – And How to Fix It

10 Ways You’re Killing Your Form Response Rates – And How to Fix It

I dare you


Fact: Only 1 in 10 marketers feel their lead generation campaigns are effective (web forms included)

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10 Ways You’re Killing Your Form Response Rates – And How to Fix It


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10 Ways You’re Killing Your Form Response Rates – And How to Fix It

What good forms do: Bad web forms can:

Secure traffic onto leads Increase webpage bounce rates

Start lead scoring based on interests Leak business prospects

Help close sales Lengthen the sales funnel

Stir community engagement Make the company look unfriendly

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Where to start optimizing?




10 Ways You’re Killing Your Form Response Rates – And How to Fix It

• Watch the competition

• Think as one of your own visitors would

• Use tools for testing (Unbounce, Google Analytics Experiments, Visual Website Optimizer)

When to stop optimizing? When you reach 100% conversion rate (form fills/site visits*100)

Or never.

Web form leads – where to spot them

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10 Ways You’re Killing Your Form Response Rates – And How to Fix It

In your 123ContactForm section of each form.

In your CRM of choice if you link your form to it for importing new leads automatically.

Finally, in your business’ bank account.

Goof #1: Your form has no clear incentive

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Best practices:

1. Make a strong statement of benefit. Find an attractive offer for your visitors who fill in the form and announce it upfront: a freebie, an useful newsletter, an access pass.

2. The form should pass the blink test: if visitors can spot the incentive in maximum 8 seconds, they will stay on the page/form.3. Embed the form somewhere visible on your website. Ideal placement is above the fold so that it’s accessible without scrolling.


10 Ways You’re Killing Your Form Response Rates – And How to Fix It

[“What’s in there for me? Why would I give you my data?”]

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10 Ways You’re Killing Your Form Response Rates – And How to Fix It

Goof #2: You are breaking the “formettiquette”

Best practices:

1. People hate intrusions in their personal privacy. Be the one to be called, not the caller. Avoid too intimate questions that can be aggressive towards visitors’ dignity or are superfluous for the topic in question. People tend to make bogus submissions if presented with this type of fields.

2. If it’s absolutely necessary to include sensitive questions, at least make them unrequired.

Safe to ask To avoid

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10 Ways You’re Killing Your Form Response Rates – And How to Fix It

Goof #3: Form length is unsuitable

Expedia saw a $12 million increase in profit a year by eliminating one field from their order form (Company name)

Best practices:

1. Generally, shorter forms convert better. Test to find the formula that suits you best. What applies for contact forms (sweet spot around 3-5 fields) may not be right for e.g. quote request forms.

2. Make longer forms easier to follow by using the multi-page feature of 123ContactForm, with explicit progress bar that marks the step reached by users.

3. Long forms can also convert if incentivized well. People won’t abort a form they invested time in, if they see the worthiness.

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Goof #4: You aren’t reassuring visitors that their answer is received

10 Ways You’re Killing Your Form Response Rates – And How to Fix It

Best practices:

1. Serial web forms should have prefilled form fields with data entered by the visitor at the first step (as in the example). It confirms that the information was received firsthand, saves time for the visitor and lowers abandonment. How to prefill form fields with 123ContactForm: http://www.123contactform.com/docs/how-to-prefill-form-fields/

2. Leave a thank you message that states you have received the form and will respond asap.

3. Leverage form autoresponders to send presentations and engage with leads.

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10 Ways You’re Killing Your Form Response Rates – And How to Fix It

Goof #5: Your form is not saying“thank you”

Best practices:

1. Form messages can get trapped by email systems, consequently causing you to fail in reaching back to your leads. Make sure that your form autoresponders get through. With 123ContactForm you have the option to use a secure email address as sender to avoid spam filters and make sure it reaches people’s inboxes.

2. Lose no data on the way. It’s always a good idea to use a CRM for importing leads from your web forms and make the necessary follow-ups. 123ContactForm integrates with Zoho CRM, Salesforce.com, NationBuilder and Top Producer, so you can opt for the solution that suits you best.

39% of viewers accept offers on ‘thank you’ pages! (MarketingSherpa)

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10 Ways You’re Killing Your Form Response Rates – And How to Fix It

Goof #6: You are not testing the form

Best practices:

1. Not everything that works for certain few cases can be used in all situations. Especially if you build forms on a large scale for your customers, make sure you test and adapt the sensitive elements to each particular case: label and button copy, design, placement.

1. Rely on user data provided by dedicated split testing tools and services.

1. Duplicate your 123ContactForm web form to be able to make changes without seeing them live instantly.

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10 Ways You’re Killing Your Form Response Rates – And How to Fix It

Goof #7: Bad graphics or no branding

Best practices:

1. Give your form an identity in relation to your business and make it blend the webpage it’s embedded on. It’s a way of minimizing perceived friction and encouraging fill-ins.

1. Use visual cues to make the form visible and reachable within the page.

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10 Ways You’re Killing Your Form Response Rates – And How to Fix It

Goof #8: You are losing focus with too many options in the proximity of the Submit button

Best practices:

1. Reduce navigation in the immediate closeness of the form. Ideally, you won’t have more than a link on the form, leading to your privacy policy.

1. Avoid multiple calls-to-action that parasite each other.

1. Place the main CTA in the middle of the white space, to draw attention.

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10 Ways You’re Killing Your Form Response Rates – And How to Fix It

Goof #9: You’re missing trust seals

Best practices:

1. A good privacy policy is golden. You need to link it in the form whenever you request personal information to reassure people their data is safe in your hands.

1. If you offer money back guarantee, don’t forget to mention it. It works wonders in minimizing visitor reluctance in trying your offer.

1. Industry awards and certificates are also good to mention near the form, to raise the overall level of trust.

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10 Ways You’re Killing Your Form Response Rates – And How to Fix It

Goof #10: Your Submit button is dull

Best practices:

1. “Submit” is a somber word. Nobody likes to submit. Get creative with the button copy to make it a real CTA.

1. The button text should remind people they are just one click away from claiming your offer. Reiterate the visitor benefit on the button.

1. Even worse that having a long form is a short form with no way out (just Reset, Submit or Abort). To help people pass through your form, you need to give directions - “Continue" is not a powerful enough signal that they are on the right track. You need to create the sense of completeness and fulfillment through positive text.

Thank You!

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