10 Hacks Used to Scale Your Online Business


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10 Hacks Used to Scale Your Online Business

February 2017

1: Choose the eCommerce Platform That’s Best for You

There are A LOT of eCommerce platforms out there, and with so many choices, it might be easier to choose one of the top platforms even though it might not be the best for you. With this in mind, it’s best to look for the ones that are not only in your price range, but also the ones that match your coding experience.


2: Automate Your Business


Have you ever heard the expression, “I’m only human”? If so, you know it means to be human is to err. And as humans, we do tend to make a lot of mistakes. Enter computers and software that automate our lives and minimize errors.

Automation ensures efficiency and reliability. As much as you would like to believe that no one does this or that better than you, the truth is that a computer just might. Nowadays you can automate almost anything from payments to maintenance logs. Better yet, keep on reading and find out how you can use automated emails to increase your revenue!

3: Invest Wisely

Owning an online business, actually, owning any business, involves investing. Apart from the obvious investment in inventory that you hope to sell, you have to invest in an eCommerce platform to host your store, advertising, and a host of other things that can make or break you. The key here is to do your research before investing. Will advertising help? Yes, without a doubt. But, you have to make sure you’re investing in the right ad type for your audience. The same goes for other things like a mobile app. While it would be wonderful to have one, can your business actually profit from it? After all, your goal is to increase your ROI.


4: Utilize Email

Email can be used for a variety of things. For starters, there’s email marketing. And in case you didn’t know, companies who send automated emails are 133% more likely to send relevant messages that correspond with a customer’s purchase cycle. For increased engagement and open-rates, you can also personalize the email with their name (trust me on this one, it does wonders).

Emails can also be utilized as a reminder that you’re still around (as long as you don’t bombard your customers with them), and as automated messages that send when a checkout cart is dropped.


5: Design Your Website with Your Audience in Mind

Your target audience has a personality, gender, age range, and a myriad of other traits that can be represented in your website’s design.

● Content layout: younger crowds tend to prefer full-width layouts with a lot of flash while older crowds prefer information to flash

● Color choice: colors evoke emotions and represent certain things for different people and cultures● Font choice: certain fonts are more playful and informal than others (don’t use comic sans if you’re designing a

website for a law firm)

Interested? Read over this case study to see how Chesapeake Bay Candle’s redesigned website led to a drastic increase in conversions that more than exceeded their expectations.


6: Join Social Media

There are 1.65 billion active mobile social media accounts and 1 million accounts created every day. You’re truly missing out if you’re not using social media to scale your online business. If you have an eCommerce business you can even sell products straight from Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and other social media platforms.

Social media also serves to keep the conversation going between you and your customers. This is especially true for platforms like Twitter, in which users can ‘tweet’ at brands whenever they’re having issues or simply want to say hi.


7: Optimize for Mobile

Nowadays, mobile-friendly is not enough. Mobile-friendly is the bare minimum needed to pass Google’s tests, and it’s basically just a slimmed down version of a desktop site. What you want is a website with a responsive design that reformats and restructures content for ANY device, be it a mobile phone or tablet.

Responsive designs have the added benefit of improving user experience (UX), thereby increasing the chances of making a sale. At the end of the day, if your audience is using their phone to find you, shouldn’t you improve their journey from the landing page to the checkout button?


8: Advertise on Mobile

80% of Internet users own a smartphone and a majority of people are spending more time on mobile devices than desktops. In other words, don’t waste time advertising on desktops when the real market is on the palm of your hand. Keep in mind that mobile ads vary as much as the goals they accomplish. Here’s a brief list of the most popular ad types:

● Banner ads: static ads in the top or bottom of the page and the most popular ad type of the group

● Interstitial Ads: interactive and display across the screen

● Expandable ads: start as banner ads that expand to interstitials when clicked on

● Native ads: look like page content and increase UX

● Video ads: provide high engagement but can be intrusive

Check out this post for more information on mobile ads. ©2017 AUMCORE. PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL.

9: Get an App

Continuing the mobile are mobile apps. Does your competition have a mobile app? If so, you want to catch up and compete with them. If not, use this as an opportunity to surpass them. The fact is that conversions on apps are 120% higher than on mobile web, and shoppers also browse 286% more products on apps than mobile web.

Get a chatbot that works 24/7 and improves your customer service as you sleep. Implement a benefits program that rewards loyal customers while incentivizing others to join as well. Offer discounts and promotions that keep customers coming back for more.

Look over this case study to see how ScriptSave WellRx was named as one of the top “10 Apps Increasing Healthcare Access For Low-Income Patients” by Mashable shortly after its release.


10: Search Engine Optimization

Ahh, good ol’ SEO. SEO is one of the most important things you can do to grow your online business. Why? Because it can land you on the first page of SERPS (search engine result pages). Embarking on an SEO campaign is something that you can do yourself, but it’s recommended to seek a digital marketing agency for noticeable results. As an added note, voice search is drastically increasing, so it’s a good idea to not only account for text queries that are shorthand and focus on keywords, but also voice queries that are more eloquent and contextual (utilize long-tail keywords such as ‘best coffee shop in NYC’ as opposed to ‘coffee shop NYC’).

Take a look at this case study to see how Knorr® landed on Google’s first page and increased US organic growth by 250% and global organic growth by 300%.


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The content of this presentation is proprietary and confidential. Content contains concepts and work performed for multiple Brands (including confidential client names) and is not to be shared or disclosed without prior authorization.