10 Habit Building Tips To Turbocharge Your Internet Marketing Days


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Building TipsTo Turbocharge Your

Internet Marketing Days

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit …”

~ Aristotle

Habits take a minimum of 21 days to form. Research shows an average of 60 days. So hang in there.

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Tackle one habit at a time. Building habits requires a lot of willpower. Too many and you'll overload. And quit.

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If you really must build more than one habit at a time. Chain them together. Do them one after the other.

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You must tie your new habit to a trigger that starts it. It can be the time. Your emotional state. Or previous event.

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Give yourself a reward for doing the habit. Preferably a reward you crave. This helps fuels the habit.

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Building habits requires willpower. Creating habits that increase willpower helps you build more habits later on.

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Willpower is tied to energy. So learn to manage your energy. And use turn those steps into habits.

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A great habit to build. Learning to harness the power of the Hyper-Productivity Loop. It multiplies productivity.

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Willpower is highest in the morning. After a good night's sleep. So it's easier to build habits in the morning.

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You can build habits in the morning first. Then move them up to the afternoon or evening later on.

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To Be Continued ...