What Is The Best Remedy For Removing Chicken Pox Scars?


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What is the Best Remedy for Removing

Chicken Pox Scars?

Over The Counter TreatmentsThere are lotions and creams that can help cover up existing chicken pox scars.

Prescription MedicationsMost prescription creams contain ingredients that can stimulate collagen production to potentially improve and reduce the appearance of scars.

Punch GraftThis type of procedure involves the surgical excision of the scar and its surrounding tissues using a punch biopsy tool. Once the scar is removed, it will be filled with a skin graft which will be taped or glued into place.

Alpha-Hydroxy Acid PeelAHA peels are light peels that help burn the top layer of the skin that contains dead skin cells. As a result, new cells will be exposed and collagen growth is encouraged.

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What Is The Best Remedy In Removing Chicken Pox Scars?

Dermefface FX7 speeds up the healing of every layer of your skin while producing more collagen to promote the re-growth of healthy and normal skin.

It is one, if not the best chicken pox scar removal solution for your scars. Plus, you can easily see the results within the first for weeks of use.

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