What causes defects due to embroidery?


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Embroidery defects can be a result of irregularities in the stitches or the design or


1. Poor Registration: This defect appears when the embroidery’s design and stitches don’t align correctly

2. Fabric Grin/Gapping: In this defect the base fabric is visible from the embroidery, either from between design or patterns or on the edge of the embroidery

3. Missed Trim: Appearance of extra embroidery threads left between patterns or other design elements in the embroidery

4. Bunching at Corners: The corners of the design or letters in the embroidery are not crisp due to gathering up of thread at one point

5. Poor Stitch Balance: In this defect, the bobbin thread shows up on the top side of the embroidery

6. Fabric Damage: Damage caused to the fabric due to repetitive needle penetration, especially around the corners of the embroidery

7. Thick Embroidery: Embroidery being too dense or thick at some places

8. Poor Stitch Density: Base fabric visibility through the embroidery due to low stitch density

9. Poor Hooping: The fabric surrounding the embroidery gets distorted or crumpled and cease to lay flat on a surface

Visit www.stitchdiary.com to read the full article on Embroidery


Image Sources: https://lindeegembroidery.com/troubleshooting-embroidery-quality-issues/ http://www.amefird.com.my/embroidery_quality.htm
