The Tale Of Peter Rabbit[1][1]


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The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Jennifer Gray

Flopsy, Mopsy, cotton-tail and Peter.

This Family of rabbit’s lived under a big fir tree with their mother, Mrs. Rabbit.

Mrs. Rabbit was leaving the fir tree for a little while.Peter’s mother told peter before she left; don’t go into Mr. McGregor’s garden!

Peter didn’t want to stay home!

After Peter’s mother left, peter ran to Mr. McGregor’s fence.

When peter got there he squeezed under the fence and got into his garden.

When Peter got into the garden he ate some lettuce, french beans and radishes.

Mr. McGregor saw Peter!

Mr. McGregor chased him all around the garden.

He chased him calling out “Stop Thief!”

Poor Peter !Peter ran into a gooseberry net, he got caught by the large buttons on his


Peter wiggled

away, but he left his

jacket behind.

Then he hid in a

watering can

Presently Peter sneezed – “Kertyshoo!”

Mr. McGregor was after him

in no time.

Poor Peter was lost. He saw a white cat with a twitching tail, and crept past her.

Suddenly, he heard the scr-r-

ritch, scratch

noise of a hoe.

There was Mr.

McGregor, and beyond

him was the gate!

Peter ran as fast as he could, slipped under the gate, and was safe at last.

His mother put him to bed

with a dose of camomile tea, but his sisters had bread and

milk and blackberries for supper.
