The Do’s And Don’ts Of Healthy, Beautiful Hair


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 The Do’s And Don’ts Of Healthy, Beautiful Hair If you want your hair to grow and thrive, the best thing you can do for it is to take care of it properly. If you can do that well, your hair will grow quickly. Below, we will outline some of the dos and don'ts of taking care of your hair and promoting healthy hair growth.

TO DO: 1. Use Combs/Hairbrush Made From Natural Materials

   When choosing a comb or hairbrush, look for one made from natural materials. Wooden combs and brushes made from wild boar hair are good choices. Natural combs and brushes are much less likely to cause hair breakage than those made from man-made materials.


2. Use A Natural Hair Mask To Aid Hair Growth

Hair needs nourishment and hydration to grow. You can meet these needs by using a natural hair mask with a collagen protein base and vegetable oils mixed into it. Apply it on a regular basis. Avoid using hair masks that contain silicon and other substances that can damage your hair.

NOT TO DO: 1. When Tying Your Hair, Do Not Pull It Back Too Tightly If you tie your hair back, make sure it isn't pulled back too tightly. Continuously putting too much pressure on the roots of your hair may cause it to break, or even fall out. Don't worry if you usually wear your hair up - that alone will not keep your hair from growing, but you do have to be careful not to hold too securely in place.


2. Do Not Hold Your Hair Dryer Too Close To Your Scalp

When drying your hair, don't use an excessively high temperature setting, and don't hold your hair dryer any closer to your scalp than necessary. Also, you should abstain from using straightening or curling irons on your hair. These tools often damage and break hair, and broken and damaged hairs don't all grow at the same pace.

3. Keep Your Use Of Chemical Hair Products To A Minimum Keep your use of chemical hair products to a minimum. Lacquer is well-known to leave hair dry, brittle, and susceptible to damage. Coloring your hair or treating it regularly with other chemicals can also cause it to break, because these treatments damage the keratin in the hairs, making them thinner. 4. Avoid Using Hard Water To Wash Your Hair Avoid using hard water to wash your hair. Soft water is best. The lime scale in hard water can easily damage your hair, especially if other factors have already made it fragile. If your tap water is hard, use bottled spring water, at least to rinse out your hair after you wash it. 5. Do Not Brush Your Hair Too Often/Vigorously Be careful not to brush your hair too often or too vigorously. Overdoing it might pull some of it out. Article Source: Do you often feel that your hair is too dry, frizzy and unmanageable? Are you worried about excessive hair loss? Visit UrbaneWomen to get our expert's tips and advises on how to combat hair problems and say hello to smooth, luscious locks!