Stress Avoidence while Planning Events


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Avoiding Stress on the Day of your Big Event

Avoiding Stress on the Day of your Big EventBy: Events EverydayState College, PA

Planning an event can be extremely stressful. (We know that!)

We at Events Everyday take away that stress by planning and coordinating everything for you.

But what if you're not in the State College, PA area?

Don't worry we've compiled a list of things to help you stress less.

Make checklists and stick to them#1

This may sound super simple; and it is. However, many people do not make checklists, or even worse, do not use them.

The ideal method is to make a set of checklists divided into time periods.

How does this work?

Step 1Make a list of everything you can think of that you need to do to prepare for your event.

Note: It might be helpful if you use a computer/phone based program to help with this.

Step 2 Divide tasks into time periods.

For instance, if you need to reserve a venue 3-6 months ahead of time, create a 3-6 months category and place that task there.

Pro Note

Label these time periods with actual dates (ex. May 1-Aug. 1).

Step 3List as many smaller tasks under each main task as possible.

If you listed buying dinnerware, make a list of the actual items you need (plates, napkins, forks, etc.)

Step 4Don't procrastinate.

You made that checklist for a reason. Stick with it.

Make a contingency plan#2

The last thing you need is something going wrong on the day of your event. You should be enjoying it after all.

Before your event, try to think of anything that could go wrong (weather, not having enough utensils, etc.) Then, find a way to counteract this.

For instance, you could find a person who can run errands on the day of the event if you forget something.

Having a backup plan will reduce your stress levels because you can jump into action if there is a problem.

Delegate when possible#3

If you have a friend or family member who offers to help, let them. Even giving up a small task can lighten your load.

(They'll most likely be able to do it as well as you can.)

Enjoy your day#4

Hopefully on the day of your event, everything will be a well-oiled machine.

You know what needs to be done when, and have back up plans for things gone wrong.

Take some time before the event to de-stress with a cup of tea, or whatever makes you feel better.

Most importantly, enjoy your day. You worked hard planning it. Take the time to appreciate it.

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