Secular Seduction


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BOLThe Advisory Group


Wonder how they can have the nerve to wonder

why their America is no longer “great” anymore


That boy goes

to church, but

there’s nothing

religious to

what he does

at 3 AM


Because the

only way to

save face in

the church

community is

to pretend

they’ve been

virgins this

whole time

Child Support




balances all

the abuse

and neglect

Picture me still waiting in the slum for a

handout from pop so he can pretend he’s a hero

Picture me rolling instead

What’s the point of chemical engineering when this is the only chemical energy I need

So much energy is spent on looking busy and important

that they don’t actually get a chance to be productive

The only hobby they will ever have is bragging

about their so-called accomplishments

They love to travel, and make it seem

like they are the only ones who do

They say ‘God Don’t Like Ugly’…I’m not so sure about that –

But I get a feeling that Donald Trump has an issue with

Latinos because they make his daughter look unattractive

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