Mother’s guide to baby skin care


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Mother’s Guide To Baby Skin Care

Try Not to Give Too Many Baths!

Giving them a bath everyday may cause your baby’s already susceptible skin to be more prone to rashes and dryness. A quick wipe with a damp cloth does the job… at least until they decide to rub spaghetti sauce on their cheeks.

When it is time to give them a bath, opt for two to three baths a week in warm water. This can help prevent rashes and dryness that may occur with baths

Use Chemical Free Products

Since it is still developing, your baby’s skin is still very vulnerable so it is very important to use chemical-free products. When giving a baby a bath, use soaps or shampoos that contain natural ingredients such as vitamin E, vitamin A, Aloe Vera, and the like.

This can also apply to your baby’s clothing detergent. Use only baby laundry detergents that are both fragrance and dye free to prevent any skin reactions that may hurt your baby.

Be Mindful of The Weather

Your baby may be taken out to enjoy the warmth of the sun once they are about 6 months old, but it is important you apply sunscreen with at least an SPF 30. This is because babies in general have underdeveloped sweat glands, making them very vulnerable to heat rashes.
