Life at esoft campus


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Life At E-soft Campus

IT; information technology is an most important and popular subject in all over the world.

Esoft is the giant leader of guiding who want to learn about IT.

That’s why I chose the esoft to complete my diploma in IT.

I was registered to ESOFT at Gampaha branch on 20th of April 2016 for complete the diploma in IT.(DiTEC)I think it is an another successful path in my life.

Gampaha branch has a good educational environment and so many facilities such as A/C lecture rooms, computer labs, playing areas also very qualified staff for students to do their studies well.


Making vesak lanterns with friends;

Some occasions were planned for Vesak festival at Esoft.The main event was giving alms to hundred theros.

At the play area with all….

We were handed over a project as our final exam in Ditec. I think our friendship became more strong during this project.

At the starting of our project……….

One day we went to Gampaha botanical garden and enjoyed well..

Viva exam was so hard... however all of us could pass it.

End of the viva exam..

After the viva exam we went to Dominos for celebrating that day..

Wow… yummy yummy pizza………..

Another special event; awarding ceremony 2016 was held at wet water resort hotel.

At the end of the ceremony we got a DJ was the most interesting part of the event..

Finally I collected so many experience from E-Soft metro campus Gampaha.

I have got massive knowledge about information technology and also learnt so many things.

So I found good friends for life. According to extra curricular activities, I collect so many

experience and also known how to work with a team. For these things I like so much this education center.