How to Heal Stress Naturally


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How to Heal Stress NaturallyManage Your Stress Naturally with 5 EASY Tips.

Our greatest weapon against

stress is our ability to choose one thought over

another.William James

Philosopher & Psychologist

1. Get a Hobby

Find what makes you feel light. Try yoga, reading a

juicy romance novel or walks in nature. Whatever makes

you feel CALM.

2. Eat Well

Give your body the extra nutrition it needs when you’re stressed. Include lots of protein, healthy fats and fibre every day!

I will breathe.I will think of solutions.I will not let my worry control me. I will not let my worry control me.I will not let my stress break me.I. will. simply. BREATHE. And it will be okay …Because I don’t quit.



3. Get Active

Try light activities like walking, yoga, bicycling or light resistance training. The trick is to keep your body moving without becoming more exhausted!

4. Supplement

Give you body a hand by taking some stress-relieving herbs like holy basil, ashwagandhaand nettle.

Don’t forget your vitamins- B5, C and D all play a role in healing stress naturally.

5. Get Help

Don’t go at it alone- enlist the support of friends and family.

BUT- if you’re really struggling, enlist a trusted professional like a nutritionist, therapist or other practitioner.

Not sure how to begin?

You need a boost to your diet.

Support your body in healing from stress with a 3 Day Clean Eating Plan.

I want to heal my stress!
