Gratitude Means a Happy Thanksgiving



Gratitude is a powerful emotion. We should make a point to be thankful daily, and now is the perfect time to start!

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Did you know that gratitude is considered a “miracle emotion?”

Gratitude is responsible for motivating, increasing self-control, and even helps our

connections with others.

I want you to have the best Thanksgiving possible this year,

regardless of how tough single mom life is at the moment.

Here are 4 steps that can help:

1. Do This Brilliant 2-minute Exercise:

Think of three things that you are grateful for, things that benefit you, and without them your life wouldn’t be as great.

Then, if you’ve got time, you can think about the causes for these good things. Say a silent thank you that they’ve come into your life.

That’s it—short, sweet and effective! Two minutes to fill yourself up with gratitude, and the effects can last all day long.

Hooked and want more?

Read more on this simple gratitude exercise, and then try these…

2. Simple Gratitude Action StepsTry one or more of these 10 grateful steps to happiness to take the 2-minute exercise a little further.

Keep a gratitude journal, make a list of things you’re grateful for {like your healthy kids, a roof over your head, fulfilling work that pays well}, and eyes that can read this. Even remember bad times you’ve conquered to help provide perspective. If you’ve conquered challenging times in the past, you can certainly conquer any challenge in front of you today.

3. Repeat or Invent

Repeat these exercises at regular intervals and eventually they become a habit. Or, you can invent your own. If you stopped doing gratitude exercises in the past that worked like a charm, reconnect with them.

The more you can keep at them, the more likely they are to become a habit…the more gratitude you feel, the more things you will have to be grateful about!

4. Keep it Fresh.

Like everything in life, too much of a good thing can be too much {even gratitude}. You can avoid gratitude burnout by remembering that all things must come to an end—enjoy them while you still can.

Do your best to identify new things to be grateful for today, that in six months you might not be so happy about…for me, it’s boots. It’s finally cold enough to break out my boot collection! But in six months, I’ll be really ready for spring and temps over 70!

Gratitude is magical…

…it’s free…and it works!

This Thanksgiving, I hope you’ll connect to all of the things you have to be grateful for—and

BONUS: in doing so you’ll minimize the things you’re not so grateful for!

So, I have to ask: what are you grateful for this Thanksgiving?

Happy Thanksgiving!You can check this out on the blog here.

Website: honoreecorder.comFacebook:


Did you know? Honorée published If Divorce is a Game, These are the Rules: 8 Rules to Thrive Before,

During & After Divorce in July of this year. It's the book to read if you've been divorced within the past two years, or you've been divorced for years and years

and you're still mad about it! The book can help you move through your divorce and into a life you truly

love. Get it here. Also available in audio and paperback.