Graphic Narrative


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Once upon a time there lived a poor widow who had a son named Jack and a dog-named Trigger. The family was very poor and the only income they had was from the dog entering competitions and winning, however one day Trigger fell and hurt his leg and therefore could not run again. After weeks of Jack trying to find a job, Jack and his mother agreed to sell Trigger on the market.

Insert image of Jack and his Mother

Jack swapped Trigger the dog for the beans with the old man from the market and ran home to show his mother.

Jacks mother was not happy and through the ‘Magic’ beans outside. She then ordered Jack to his room.

Hello are you looking to sell that dog? I will swap these

Magic Beans for


How much did you get


Swapped him for Magic beans

Go to your room!

Stupid boy. Magic?


Magic! Woaah

The next morning Jack woke up and looked out of his window only to be shocked. The Beans that were thrown out by his mother had turned into a gigantic beanstalk.

What is that


What are you doing up here young man?

You will be breakfast for my husband if you do not leave right


Jack climbed up the beanstalk all the way to the top to see an old looking house, as he looked over he spotted a woman outside, they made eye contact and started talking. Jack heard a huge noise and was told to leave.

Jack was forced back down the beanstalk by the concerned woman.

The next morning Jack Could not help but to find out who the man was. So he climbed and climbed until he got back to the top. This time he went inside the house Through the window, However Suddenly he heard the same noise as last time. The man looking out the window was in fact a Scottish Giant and did not like Englishmen therefore Jack was forced to hide behind some curtains in the house if he was to avoid being eaten as the woman had warned him.

That was weird!

I swear I heard a


I am so having a

look inside

that house

The Giant sat down at the table for breakfast and he heard footsteps. He turned around to see Jack running away with his guitar. The giant jumped up and started to sprint towards the beanstalk where Jack was climbing down.

I need to make a run for


Jack started to come down the Beanstalk and took the axe out of his mothers hand.

Jack started to chop the beanstalk down with the axe. It began to fall with the Giant still coming down.

What is taking her so long?

Mother, Mother!

Get me the axe!

Come here you wee Englishman!

The Giant fell down the beanstalk all the way down. The Beanstalk fell down and crushed him leaving only his afro.

Jack managed to get away with the guitar and ran inside with his mother. They looked towards each other with a smile.

Jack I do not think so


Mother this

Guitar could

change our lives

You just wait and see

mother, wait and see

Jack started playing the guitar and eventually became very good at it. He Returned to the market every day and sat on a bench with people passing by Throwing money towards him. Jack started to make a lot so eventually he could afford to buy back his Dog and pay for an operation for his leg The Dog was entered back into competitions and he won everything. Jack and his Mother lived happily ever after.