Dog Training Methods by Sydney Professional Trainer!


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Dog Training Methods by

Sydney Professional Trainer! Dog Training Methods may vary greatly, depending on what the goal or activity the

person is trying to achieve. This depends on if you are trying to shape a good behavior

or remove a undesirable behavior, Examples of a good behavior is obedience of the

basic commands of sit, drop, stay, come and walking correctly but can move further to

but by no means limited to agility training to the complex of search and rescue,

assistance dogs etc.

Some of the undesirable behaviors that you may wish to remove, correct or modify can

be but not limited to, jumping, digging, winging, pulling on lead, chewing, pulling

clothes of the line, not obeying commands and the achievable tasks that you have given

the dog to do.

There is no one Dog Training Method that suits every since dog. However there is some

Dog Training Method principals that must be followed to ensure success of the

shaping a behavior or task.

When starting the Dog Trainer / owner must look at any limitations to the command or

task that he or she is trying to achieve with the dog. The more common limitations can

be the breed, shape, size, temperament, age (maturity, is the dog old enough to

understand what is being asked), what the dog was originally designed to do. i.e.: Husky,

Malamutes to pull sleds, Retriever breeds i.e. Labradors, Golden retriever etc to get

ducks or geese, Terrier breeds to chase rats and mice.

Secondly the Dog Trainer must break the commands or the tasks down to achievable

sections. An example of this is there is no point trying to get a dog to try and stop

jumping on people, when the dog does not understand what the sit means. When a dog

jumps he wants something and 90% of the time it is attention and affection. A good

dog trainer breaks the task of stopping the jumping down. First he or she should train

the obedience command of Sit until the obedience command Sit is habit and the dog

understands exactly what is being ask every time. The Dog Trainer then refocus the dogs

attention that every time the dog jumps it must Sit and the dog receives a positive

experience i.e.: food treat, pat or praise. If the dog trainer/ owner practice this enough,

the dog quickly understands if he or she wants attention and affection, the fastest way

of achieving this if the dog sits and dog gets what it wants.

A general technique that is used in Dog Training Methods once the Dog trainer/

owner has discovered what is motivating the dog, is as simple as The dog must always

do something first (i.e. obedience command or task) before it gets what it wants like

Food, pat, praise, attention affection.

A second general Dog Training Online is the dog is always allowed to do it or never

allowed to do it. Not only is this good for obedience training or achieving tasks but also

sets up the dog heir achy in the

human family that he or she

may be living in.

Dog owner follows these

method two generalizations of

dog training methods. The dog

trainer/ owner will achieve


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