Color psychology


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Color Psychology

By Najish

What is color PsychologyColors psychology is the science that explains the connection between colors and the psychology of the people.The psychology of color is based on the mental and emotional effects colors have on sighted people in all facets of life. There are some very subjective pieces to color psychology as well as some more accepted and proven elements.

Importance of Color Psychology

Sound and smell

Why do we need to know about it

1. Color affects people Whether we are aware or not its plays important part in our life ,It affects all our sense; sight ;sound ;smell;taste and feeling.Seeing color can change our mood very effectively.Our personal and cultural associations affect our experience of color.whether you realise it or not, so it follows that colours in the workplace can drastically affect our moods

● It is popular in fashion because it makes people appear thinner. It is also stylish and timeless. Black also implies submission.

● Black outfits can also be overpowering, or make the wearer seem aloof or evil. Villains, such as Dracula, often wear black.

● Black is clearly the go-to color when you want to look more regal and formal. “It can be very elegant”” .

● Black coloured walls may look threatening and dramatic. By painting the ceiling with black colour, you can also lower the associated height of a ceiling.

Brides wear white to symbolize innocence and purity.

White reflects light and is considered a summer color.

White is popular in decorating and in fashion because it is light, neutral, and goes with everything. However, white shows dirt and is therefore more difficult to keep clean than other colors.

Doctors and nurses wear white to imply sterility.

Light coloured ceilings like those in White and Grey make a small room look larger.


● The most emotionally intense color, red stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing.

● It is also the color of love.

● Red clothing gets noticed and makes the wearer appear heavier.

● Red cars are popular targets for thieves.

● In decorating, red is usually used as an accent. Decorators say that red furniture should be perfect since it will attract attention.

● Red colour makes a room inviting. It is predominantly used in dining rooms as it has been found to stimulate appetite. Red on the ceilings can make the room weighty and annoying.

● The color of the sky and the ocean, blue is one of the most popular colors.

● Blue causes the body to produce calming chemicals, so it is often used in bedrooms.

● Blue can also be cold and depressing.

● Fashion consultants recommend wearing blue to job interviews because it symbolizes loyalty.

● People are more productive in blue rooms.

● Blue has an incredibly calming influence, allowing employees to feel more relaxed and focused throughout the day.

● This is an ideal colour for creative workplaces, as well as medical, healthcare, technology, and IT fields.

Cheerful sunny yellow is an attention getter.

While it is considered an optimistic color, people lose their tempers more often in yellow rooms,

Babies will cry more. It is the most difficult color for the eye to take in, so it can be overpowering if overused.

Yellow enhances concentration, hence its use for legal pads. It also speeds metabolism.

Yellow is the helpfull to energise the people,Help to enhance concentration Enthusiasm around the workplace,

Too much of the colour yellow can have the opposite effect of fatiguing people, so using it as an accent colour is the best way of finding the perfect balance.

● Currently the most popular decorating color, green symbolizes nature.

● It is the easiest color on the eye and can improve vision. It is a calming, refreshing color.

● People waiting to appear on TV sit in "green rooms" to relax. Hospitals often use green because it relaxes patients

● Green can create feelings of calm and relaxation, helping to reduce anxiety in employees.

● This is a great colour where natural lighting is not always available, adding an organic, peaceful atmosphere to the workplace ideal for a range of wor

Colors affect our businessMarketing and advertising are well-known for utilizing color


Color is consistently used in associating a positive or negative tone, encourage trust, feelings of calmness or energy

By using colour psychology, a marketer can send a positive or negative advertising messages, increase sales ,create and change the ambience and mood of consumers.

Color Symbolism In business

● Luxury and wealth● Elegance and

sophistication● Mystery● Scarednes


Color Symbolism


● Caring● Tenderness● Self worth● Love ● Acceptance


● Peace ● Calmness● Realaxiomon ● Security● Professionalism● Trust


● Love● Passion● Excitement ● Violent● Energetic● Apetite


● Sociable ● Enthusiastic● Cheerful● Courage● Rejuvanation

● Orange helps to restore balance to our physical energies.

● Use it to suggest adventure, fun, optimismOrange Brand

ConclusionColor is powerful and important tool by choosing right COLOR for your product you can increase your sales

Most marketing and advertising executives will likely agree that there are benefits to understanding and utilizing the psychological effects of colors

A colour can have different meaning , it's not the color themselves that have the meaning , But we have culturally assigned meaning to them .

Color choice is critically important whether it's for your personal or professional life

You belongs to Yellow color familyThe color psychology quiz tells us that

Optimistic soul, full of energy and zest!

Your passion for life is unparalleled.

You have an energizing effect on those around you.

You're a true realist at heart.

Incredibly logical and you have strong analytic abilities. This makes being around you all the most pleasant!

You have a keen ability to liven up the atmosphere and make others happy, without being too cheesy or emotional.

You belongs to orange color familyThe color psychology quiz tells us that

● Optimistic, extroverted, friendly, good-natured and a generally agreeable person.

● Assertive and determined rather than aggressive .● Social Person● Great satisfaction from helping others and they find

you inspiring with your vitality and positive energy.● Tolerant and accepting of others just the way they

are.● You need people around you - being alone for too

long makes you depressed and you then allow negativity to engulf you.

● You are a free spirit who doesn't like to be tied down - you are not always loyal in your relationships and find it

You belong to the gold family. The color psychology quiz tells us that the luxurious gold is the color you subconsciously most relate to. Let's be real, this is an awesome color family to belong to. Who wouldn't want to be gold? You simply radiate charisma, personality and individuality, making others feel completely relaxed around you. You're loving, compassionate, and you have the remarkable ability to empower others. You're a magnet that draws others towards you, and you're absolutely irresistible. You ooze success and triumph is written in the stars for you. Keep it up you golden lion, you're a true star.

You belong to the gold family. Let's be real, this is an awesome color family to belong to. Who wouldn't want to be gold?

Radiate charisma, personality and individuality, making others feel completely relaxed around you.

loving, compassionate, and you have the remarkable ability to empower others.

You're a magnet that draws others towards you, and you're absolutely irresistible. You ooze success and triumph is written in the stars for you. Keep it up you golden lion, you're a true star.

You belongs to Red colour family The color psychology quiz tells us

you're vibrant and passionate.

You have a pioneering spirit and incredible leadership qualities.

You're ambitious and determined.

Strong-willed and confident.

You tend to be the center of attention and you're impossible to overlook.

Your energy can be a bit overwhelming, but on the bright side... once you've set your mind to something, there's no stopping you!

You Belongs to Brown colour FamilyThe color psychology quiz tells us that

Honest, down-to-earth and wholesome, salt of the earth kind of person

Trustable and dependable .

Genuine and friendly, making you one of the easiest kinds of people to relate to.

You take your obligations and responsibilities very seriously, and you can't stand letting people down.

You're grounded and your warmth towards others is down right impressive. Put simply, the world couldn't work without people like you.

You belong to the green family!The color psychology quiz tells us t

like green, you're full of life and love.

You love the outdoors, you're a natural optimist, and you're full of wanderlust.

There's nothing more painful for you than feeling excluded.

You're the best kind of friend anyone could ask for, and you really do deserve nothing but the absolute best.

you're sensitive, without being overly emotional, and you're loving, without being overly dramatic. You're truly a breath of fresh air!

You belongs to Turquoise family Friendly and approachable, easy to communicate with.

Heightened sense of creativity and sensitivity

You are trying to create balance in your life as you swing emotionally from one direction to the other

You have good organizational and management skills.

With a personality color turquoise, you make a good boss, as you tend to influence others rather than be bossy and demanding.

You belongs to white colour family

Cautious, practical and careful with money.You think carefully before acting great deal of self control.You are self-sufficient and a loner -. However, you may also experience times of loneliness because of this trait.You may be wishing to create simplicity in your life

You belong to the blue color family! The color psychology quiz tells us that

Deep, comforting, emotional and naturally intuitive.

You've always had a sixth sense or gut feeling that never leads you astray. Rely on your intuition; it will never fail you!

Others may perceive you as overly emotional, but you actually just have an incredibly high emotional intelligence.

You can be a bit melancholy at times, and you need time and space to recharge your emotional energies.

You belongs to Grey colour family

Practical and calm, do not like to attract attention and are simply seeking a contented life.Cool, conserved, composed and reliable. Neutral, non-emotional color as it controls and contains your energy - you just don't show excitement or enthusiasm about anything much in your life.You are a hard worker who just gets on with the job that has to be done - you tend to be committed and loyal to your work whatever it may be.

You belongs to Purple color FamilySensitive and compassionate, understanding and supportive, thinking of others before yourself - you are the person others come to for help Your feelings run deep and you can be quite sensitive to hurtful comments from others, although you would never show it.As a personality color purple, you are a generous giver, asking for little in return except friendshipWith a personality color purple you like to have the best of everything, so you aim high