A Religious Argument For Vegetarianism



Screaming Chickens Religious Argument For Vegetarianism

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Screaming Chicken Productions Presents

A Religious Argument For Vegetarianism

Although not commonly taught or practiced in western faith, vegetarianism,

and likewise veganism, share many of the same principles of peace and

harmony as all major world religions.

Stewardship over the animals means that human beings are

obligated to are for other animals, and subsequently consider veganism/vegetarianism.

All major religions, and basically anyone in general, will tell you that they would be

against the unnecessary suffering and death of any animal.

“It is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer or die needlessly” –

Catholic Catechism


Catholic Cathecism

People of the Jewish faith follow kosher laws to prevent suffering in

animals, and to ensure that “animals are treated with tender and mercy”

Kosher Laws

Those who subscribe to the religion of Islam believe in the words of their

prophet that "Whoever kills a sparrow or anything bigger than that without a just cause, Allah will hold

him accountable on the Day of Judgment”.

Muslim Kuran

Many eastern religions such as Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism all

hold the belief of Ahisma which is non-violence, and subsequently

these religions extend their view of non-violence to incorporate animals.

Non-Violence To Animals

All religious views are kind to animals and agree somewhat along the lines that it is

wrong to inflict unnecessary suffering and death on animals. But what is unnecessary

suffering and death to animals?

Out of all forms of animal use, the agriculture sector is the largest, accounting for over 99% of all animal use and death in North


This use of animal agriculture can be considered morally

unnecessary when one considers the following:

Firstly, The Americans Dietic Association, and Dietitions of Canada

state that “…Vegetarian diets are healthful, nutrionally adequate, and

provide health benefits…”

Dietians of Canada

Also, entire nations have had religious vegetarians sustaining themselves off little or no animal

agriculture for thousands of years. Religious vegetarians consist of Hindu’s, Sikh’s, Buddhists and


Sikh Vegetarians

Therefore, we can conclude that animal products are unnecessary. Once one has

established that animal products are unnecessary to sustain life, the arguments in

support of the continued use of animals agriculture cannot be taken in form of


The golden rule of treating others the way you wish to be treated can be found in any religion and in any religious text. It

resonates world wide and calls one to lead a just life.

The Christian disciple Matthew writes; “So in everything, do to others what you

would have them do to you, for these sums up the Law and the Prophets”.

“Do to others what you would have them do to you”.

The Prophet Mohammad of the Muslim faith told his disciples to “"Hurt no one so

that no one may hurt you”.


The Prophet Mohammad

The faiths of Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism believe in the theory of Karma, which can be summed up as

“the law of cause and effect, according to which every action bears positive or negatives consequences, either in this

life or in future lives”

Every Action Bears Positive or Negatives Consequences

The golden rule is also written in the Jewish Talmud explaining to followers

that; “…which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow”.

This golden rule is universal, and every religion advocates it. Following the

golden rule is certainly a good way to live one’s life. Whether animals are to be included in this rule is debated, however.

The founder of the Unitarian church, Jeremy Bentham, maintains that

sentience is sufficient criteria for one to be included in the golden rule. Bentham

writes “the question is not, can they reason? Nor can they talk? But can they


Professor of Philosophy, Tom Regan also demonstrates this golden rule by saying “I

think everyone has the capacity to stop and think and say, ‘If I knew you, I wouldn’t eat you.’ And in some ways, it really is that


‘If I knew you, I wouldn’t eat you’.

Expanding our acceptance and encompassing animals as others will

lead us to become more compassionate towards them.

And lastly, during this modern day and age, as religions have changed

becoming more compassionate in many areas, so too should religions widen their circle of empathy to incorporate animals.

Vatican II marked major changes for Catholicism, developing more inclusive rules for lay people. In a similar way,

those in the Hindu faith have reformulated some of their contemporary texts, developing more inclusive rules for

their followers

Vatican ii

Also, throughout time, there have been many reformers of faith ranging from

Gandhi who eradicated the Hindu caste system to Martin Luther who reformed the Catholic faith to create equality within the lay people and to Buddha who reformed

the Hindu faith.


These examples demonstrate that there have been major reforms and reformers in

religious history. As time progresses, religions are becoming more and more

accepting of others who are different than them.

Perhaps animals too, could be incorporated into one of these next big


In this present year of 2009, there are so many delicious and nutritious

alternatives to animal flesh, so much so that animal protein is not required.

Dr. Peter Cheeke sums up this argument quite well. “Do we, as humans, having an

ability to reason and to communicate abstract ideas verbally and in writing, and to form ethical and moral judgements using the accumulated knowledge of the ages…

… have the right to take the lives of other sentient organism, particularly when we are not forced to by hunger or dietary need, but

rather do so for the somewhat frivolous reason that we like the taste of meat?”

“Frivolous Reason That We Like The Taste of Meat?”

When one extends their circle of compassion to animals, one will

inevitably follow a diet of herbivorous nature. These diets are easier on the earth’s finite resources, and following

these diets is the best thing one can due to reduce anthropogenic emissions.

The future definitely looks friendly for animals in religion, and like Philosopher

Peter Singer says:

“Just as we have progressed beyond the blatantly racist ethic of the era of slavery

and colonialism, so we must now progress beyond the speicieist ethic of the era of factory farming.... We must

take the final step in expanding the circle of ethics”.