7 Reasons Why Women Need Gal Pals


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7 Reasons Why Women Need Gal Pals

There are two things that will happen when you go shopping with your man.

a. He will tell you you’re looking good in everything just to keep you happy.b. He will easily become disinterested with your many trials of many outfits.

So, whom can you depend on for the truth, when you want nothing but the TRUTH?

Your gal pals, of course!

You let them know when they’re happy... you let them know when you’re sad... you love their company on shopping trips... you can talk about your partner with

them... all inhibitions are shed around them... you can cry your eyes out... or even discuss the latest episode of your favourite TV show... and share a bond

only you all understand best!

Ah! What would life be without your gal pals?

Unfortunately, a number of women tend to push their gal pals to the back burner when they start a new relationship or begin to settle into one with a man. Although he may be the best thing in your world, no lone male can ever replace the bonds of female friendship.

So, no matter what stage of life you’re at, here are 7 reasons why you should never let go of your gal pals. Because, without them, life wouldn’t be as exciting now, would it?

7. Who’d go Shopping with You?

Reiterating what we just said above, taking your gal pal along on a shopping trip means she will tell you exactly what you NEED to hear, not what you WANT to hear. And who else can help you tell the difference between a pair of crimson pumps and a pair of scarlet stilettos!

6. You Need Somebody to Discuss what you Saw on TV.

Did the archrival slap the protagonist? Did your favourite contestant get voted out? Did your favourite character just meet with an accident? Your gal pals often share the same interests as you and colourful discussions such as these can be two-sided only with them.

5. Your Personal Counsellors will Always be Available.

You cannot take your problems to a therapist at the drop of a hat, but you can certainly take them to your gal pals. When you face problems at work, with your family, your partner, with money or have general problems, your gal pals hardly need any justification from you. Lending you a listening ear, connecting with your problem and offering you a solution is what they do best!

4. “No! He did not just do that!”

When you’re frustrated with your boss, a colleague, your sister or your partner, your gal pals will give you just the right amount of space, sensitivity and consideration to let you vent about those problems and problematic people.

3. Is it a Girls Night Out or Girls Night In?

Steamy gossip, finger food, popcorn, many rounds of your favourite cocktails, insightful discussions, rejuvenating conversations and the heartiest laughs... doesn’t that pretty much summarize a girls night out or in! Now imagine how life would be without these precious moments!

2. The Sex Talk

Got a question about bedroom matters? Or got something deeply secretive to share about your world under the sheets? Taking it to your gal pal is the easiest thing to do!

1. They Make You a Better Person

Being part of the most reliable gal pal gang will fetch you these rewards:

a. You’ll always get the clear picture when you need it.b. They care about you and hence will always give you the TRUTH.c. They make you feel alive.d. They lift you up when you’re down.e. You’ll never feel alone.

And with a bunch of girl friends like these, you’ll always have better perspective, thus making you a better woman, a better girlfriend / wife, a better friend, daughter, sister, mother, employee or colleague. Your gal pals inevitably make you want to be a better person!

Can’t wait to tell your gal pals how well you connected with each of these reasons?

Go; make their day by telling them how much they mean to you!
