50 Top Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast



Losing that stubborn weight does not always have to be a struggle. Your attitude, lifestyle, determination, and implementation of the correct weight loss strategies make all the difference in the world.

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50 Top Easy Ways to Lose Weight FastA Brief 9 Page Report

An Inspirational Quote

In 3 months from now you will thank yourself


Science has shown that losing only 5-10% of one's weight would improve the following:

Blood sugar

Blood pressure

Blood lipids

Energy levels

Overall wellness

Losing weight doesn't have to be a difficult challenge. However, there is not a one-size-fits-all method. What works for one weight watcher may not work for another because we are all so unique. The best way to achieve and maintain a healthy weight is to identify the fresh foods, exercises, and other lifestyle changes that work for you.

Here are 50 ideas to help you figure out what works best for you! Try a few of them that resonate with you and see what happens.

1. Drink 8 Glasses of Water

Recent research found that dieters who drank at least eight glasses of water eachday lost more weight than those who did not. Drinking water may help your body burn fat more effectively.

2. Eat Smaller Portions of Food

An easy way to eat smaller portions of food is to cut it in half. Divide your usualquantity by two and save the remainder aside for later. You'll feel fuller on less food than you think.

3. Avoid or Reduce Meat Consumption

Vegetarians, on average, have a healthy weight compared to meat-eaters. Followin their footsteps – at least until you lose a few pounds.

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4. Become a Vegan

If vegetarianism is not assisting in weight loss, you can always take it a step further by abstaining from eggs and dairy, as well. Cheese can be detrimental to one's diet.

5. Eat Fresh Foods

Remove most processed food items from your diet and replace them with fresh ingredients that you have prepared yourself. Bags, boxes, cans, and cartons are not fresh foods.

6. Diet Twice Each Week

Maintaining a diet all the time can be difficult. Instead, consider cutting your calorie count to 650 per day for two days each week and eating normally on the other five days.

7. Reduce Sugar Consumption

Most everyone understands that sugar is not the best option for one's health. When you start reading labels, you'll discover this fact in surprising places, including spaghetti sauce and frozen dinners. Eliminating sugar from your diet will result in healthier meals overall.

8. Reduce Floury Foods

Short-term abstinence from floury foods such as white bread and pastries might effectively kick-start your weight loss strategy.

9. Stop (or Reduce) Alcohol Consumption

Alcoholic beverages contain some of the worst calories out there. Replace alcohol with water, and watch the weight come off.

10. Walk at Least 30 Minutes Each Day

Go for a quick 30-minute each day. You can walk longer if you prefer. Staying Martin Johnston Page 2

consistent with short walks makes weight loss possible.

11. Increase Your Fidgeting

According to studies, fidgety people burn substantially more calories than their immobile counterparts.

12. Get Enough Sleep Every Night

Those who don't get enough sleep consume more fatty foods than those who getplenty of shut-eye.

13. Adequate Meal Servings (Smaller Portions of Food)

Non-starchy vegetables should take up half of your plate. One-quarter of your plate should have complex carbohydrates. The remaining quarter of your plate should contain lean protein or legumes. Remember, smaller portions of food arebetter than gorging oneself.

14. Eat Home-Cooked Meals

On average, meals consumed away from home include 134 extra calories.

15. Dance to Some Music

Turn on your favorite music and dance for 30 minutes a day in the comfort of your own home, Napoleon Dynamite style.

16. Make Use of the Hunger Scale

If extreme hunger is a one and complete fullness is a ten, stop eating when you reach a four or five on that scale. Eat until you are full, without gorging yourself.

17. Make Friends at the Gym

When someone is waiting for you at the gym, you are more likely to attend

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18. Losing is Gaining

For example, you might sign up for a weight loss contest in your local community if available.

19. Become a Vegetable

Fill two-thirds of your plate with vegetables. They are lower in calories and higher in nutrients than any other food.

20. Go Completely Nuts

A recent study discovered that dieters who ate shelled pistachios dropped more pounds than those who ate other snacks, although they had the same number of calories.

21. One Grapefruit Each Day

According to a study, eating one grapefruit a day helped 58% of participants lose weight.

22. Pay with Cash

Customers who pay with credit cards are more susceptible to impulsive purchases when going out to eat. That tends to be the rich, fatty foods you knowyou shouldn't have anyhow.

23. Engage in Yoga

People who practice yoga eat more consciously and consume less food than those who do not. Yoga sessions should be available in your local community. Check it out.

24. Remind Yourself to Eat More Healthily

When people consider the health factor of their food choices eating, they tend tochoose healthier options.

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25. Keep Your Hands Occupied

Doing something—anything—with your hands helps divert your attention awayfrom food cravings.

26. Prepare for a Race

An athletic goal motivates many people to exercise regularly in ways that nothing else will do.

27. Participate in a Sports League

Fitness should be enjoyable. When it is, you are more likely to continue with it. Anyone up for some pick-up softball?

28. Avoid Drinks with Sugar

Large drinks can have 500 calories or more. Store-bought fruit juice isn't much better. Instead, go with water.

29. Abstain from Desserts

The next time you're out with others, ordering a skim cappuccino instead of a cheesecake. That saves on calories and gives you something to do while your dining partners eat the cheesecake.

30. Join a Diet Program

For example, Weight Watchers was named the best weight loss program by US News.

31. Work While Standing Up

Standing up on the job burns at least 30% more calories than sitting down all day.

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32. Read about Weight Loss

For example, read Naturally Thin, written by Bethanny Frankel.

33. Substitute a Heavy Dinner with Soup

Soup, due to its high water content, is a low-calorie and satisfying alternative. Avoid the creamy varieties.

34. No Snacking Between Meals

One reason the French don't become obese is that it's considered impolite to snack between meals.

35. Try Green Tea

Consume three cups of unsweetened green tea each day.

36. Spice Your Metabolism with Peppers

Cayenne pepper can substantially boost your metabolism. Add sliced peppers to your salads. Sprinkle the cayenne powder in your drinks.

37. Hire a Personal Trainer

Certified personal trainers can design a custom-made training program to meet your unique demands.

38. Eat Breakfast in the Morning

Science proves that breakfast eaters are thinner than breakfast skippers. When we eat our big meal at breakfast, we more easily burn those calories throughout our day.

39. Detoxification

Try a vegetable-rich meal plan like Becky Maynard, RD's "A Healthy Detox Diet."

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40. Eat Yogurt

Yogurt with live cultures is among the top foods associated with keeping a healthy weight in a recent study.

41. Forget the Potato Chips

What food at the top of the list causes you to gain weight? Why it's potato chips,of course.

42. Go for a Bicycle Ride

A lengthy weekend bicycle ride around your town will allow you to see the sitesin a whole new light while also burning a ton of calories.

43. Make a Bet with Yourself

Make a weight loss agreement with yourself. If you don't lose a specific amountof weight within a reasonable timeframe, your money will go toward a charity you despise.

44. Hop on the Scale Daily

For some, the scale is both a diversion and an annoyance. Others prefer to enjoythe responsibility and feedback. Try it and see if it helps your weight loss goals.

45. Daily Meditation

It's no secret that binge eating may derail even the best diet plans. A brief daily meditation might help you manage binge-inducing worries.

46. Express Yourself through Creative Activity

Creative activity is likely to enhance your self-esteem and divert your attention away from eating. It is impossible to eat and decoupage at the same time.

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47. Brush Your Teeth

Why would you want to eat something when it would spoil your minty-fresh breath?

48. Get Up Early in the Morning

Have you ever met an overweight person who sleeps late into the morning hours? Getting an early start on your day means you are likely to be more active. Even if you don’t have to work, it might be the perfect time to go for a walk or catch up on chores.

49. Lifestyle is More Important than Dieting

Yo-yo diets seldom ever work. Dieters gain weight rather than losing it. Why not make a profound lifestyle adjustment instead? Look at the big picture with everything we have discussed.

50. Prioritize Your Health!

You could purchase some new workout clothes, a new fitness DVD, or a week of healthy meals for yourself. The main idea is to do something positive for yourself.


Losing that stubborn weight does not always have to be a struggle. Your attitude, lifestyle, determination, and implementation of the correct weight loss strategies make all the difference in the world. The next step is up to you.

Watch the video below to learn how toshed 20 lbs of fat in a single month

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