3 Alpha Male Rules


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1. Alpha Males know the social dynamics of every situation they are in

While having fun, the alpha male is very keen on what is going on socially. They

can read situations before they happen because they know that it is important to work

social situations to work for them. They know how to maximize their impact on the group

through many ways including body language and social skills. They know at times they

have to be strategic in their social relationships to get to where they want to be.

2. Alpha Males know the power of good conversation

They never run out of things to say because they know great conversation starts

with being in the zone socially which comes from building up their confidence by

interacting with people throughout the day. They lead the conversation and have the

confidence to be in the moment without outcome dependence which communicates high

social status to everyone they interact with. They also know how to communicate their

value in a way that makes people want to be part of their world.

3. Alpha Males have a good idea of what their life should look like

There is a lot that goes into creating a lifestyle that people want to be a part of.

Knowing what you stand for and living your life according to that are important building

blocks. Being socially ambitious will draw the attention of high status people which will

open doors. Alpha males also know what their lifestyle goals are and bring in people that will

help achieve them.
