10 Sexy Drinking Games That Will Help You Get Lucky


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10 Sexy Drinking

Games That

Will Help You

Get Lucky

Group Sex: Never Have I Ever

This drinking game involves a group of people, approximately 5 to 10 adults, sitting in a circle. One person starts by saying something they have never done, for example, “Never have I ever dated a guy with tattoos.” Anyone who has ever done this deed must have a drink. Then, the next person in the circle continues with something they have never done.

Swinging Sex: Spin the Bottle

Simply get a bottle and have a large group of people, approximately six or more, sit in a circle alternating by sex. The first player starts by spinning the bottle, and they must kiss the person whom the bottle is pointing towards.

A Pinch of Sizzling

Spices: At the Movies

Pick a show to watch, any television show, movie or even a porn flick, and decide a term, phrase or action that you feel will be seen quite a bit in the movie. Then, whenever that term, phrase or action is noticed in the film, everyone must take a sip.

Tantalizing and Titillating:

Truth or Dare

Truth or Dare is a timeless game that you can play anywhere or anytime. In order to play, simply gather a group of people, approximately four or more. One player starts by choosing another player and asking them whether they would like to tell a bit of truth or have a chance at a dare.

Truth or Dare Without

The Truth Part

In order to play, everyone should write down one or two dares on a slip of paper. Feel free to make them as naughty as you’d like. Then, one by one everyone will have to select a dare to perform in front of the group.

The Ultimate Sexy Drinking

Game: Strip Poker The “strip” aspect of this game comes in when you lose your chips, so, for example, I go all in on my “Four of a Kind,” thinking no one can beat me, but don’t you know if the guy across the table has a “Royal Flush,” so off go my clothes.

Hands Free Fun: Suck

and Blow

In order to play this game, the group should form a circle alternating by sex. One player starts with a card being held flat to their lips. In order to keep the card flat to the lips, this player must suck in air. Now, this player must pass the card to the person on their right, and of course this is where the blowing comes in.

Touchy Feely Flirtation:

Blindfolded Body Parts One person starts by being blindfolded and sitting in a chair. The players now line up in front of the blindfolded player. They must present a body part to the blindfolded player, and if the blindfolded player guesses the person correctly based off of their body part, then they are spared a shot. If they fail to guess the person simply by their anatomy, then they have to drink up.

Third Time’s The Charm:

Flip, Sip, or Strip

All you need to play this game is a group of people and a coin. Well, and alcohol, of course. One player plays at a time by flipping the coin and calling heads or tails in the air. If the player calls correctly, then nothing happens and the coin is passed to another player.

Strip Quarters

The game “quarters” has been around for ages. Maybe because all you really need are a few quarters, some glasses, and people to play with. The game works best with approximately five to eight people, and you must be sitting at a table to play. Everyone has a drink, and an extra drink is placed at the center of the table.