Winner or whiner


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Winner or WhinerVinod Kumar ThaliyilChief Mentor, 90470 70271

Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931)

The StoryThe inspirational story begins by recalling how Thomas Edison’s grade school teacher wrote to his mother that Edison was “addled” and wouldn’t be allowed in school anymore. When Edison asked his mother what the letter said, she supposedly replied:His mother’s eyes were tearful as she read the letter out loud to her child: Your son is a genius. This school is too small for him and doesn’t have enough good teachers for training him. Please teach him yourself.After many, many years, after Edison’s mother died and he was now one of the greatest inventors of the century, one day he was looking through old family things. Suddenly he saw a folded paper in the corner of a drawer in a desk. He took it and opened it up. On the paper was written: Your son is addled [mentally ill]. We won’t let him come to school any more.Edison cried for hours and then he wrote in his diary: “Thomas Alva Edison was an addled child that, by a hero mother, became the genius of the century.”

Lesson: Winners are made not born.

Define a winner

1•a person or thing

that wins something.

2 •The contestant who wins the contest

3 •A person with a record of successes

What is success?

1•An event that

accomplishes its intended purpose


achievement of something desired.

Success is ones perception; changes from person to person

•So how to do we perceive things? • African shoe sellers

• Half bottle full or empty

•Are realities actually real? • Earth rotates 6400 km/hr in own axis and 64,500 km/hr around the sun…•The light bulb that we see has on and offs but the offs are so quick that brain

does not register…• Old movie films were series of photos put together running at a high speed

showing motion picture…

 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad says

  "YOU are what your deep, driving DESIRE is 

as your DESIRE is, so is your WILL as your WILL is, so is your DEED 

as your DEED is, so is your DESTINY"

So it is what we think that we become


What influences our thought process?

•The way we are brought up (1.5 lakh nos)

•Our school (narrow thinking)

•Our neighbors •Our friends and relatives

•Our job•Surroundings

We get inputs for thoughts from the following:

The choices you make, determines the world you live in…

It is not luck or any other factor that leads to ones failure but ones own thought; thus LUCK is a myth…

Thought CycleThought


Words & Actions





What you sow, you reap

•We need to make the land (our mind)

fertile•Relax, meditate; see, speak, listen good


•Keep sowing the seeds of goodness•Soon you will start seeing goodness


•Give more than what you get and you will get more than what you gave

When you get a negative thought, as the following questions

•Will this thought help me in any way?

• Can I do anything better by thinking negative in this situation?

• Think of something that makes you happy always and not stressed

“Karmanyevadhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachanaMa karmaphale hetur bhuh, ma te sangvasta karmani”

Bhagavath Gita

“You have the power only to act; you do not have power to influence the result, therefore you must act without the anticipation of the result, without succumbing to inaction”

Detachment From Results; Focus Only On Your Duties

If people are attached to results, they will not perform, they will only be stressed or depressed

Eagle Story

Lessons learned from animals and birds

1 •They live in present.•Unconditional love

2 •Always smiling•Ants – saving, team work

3 •Eat and rest sufficiently•Being brave (lion) and lot more…

You can naturally be a whiner but to become a WINNER you need to plan, learn, and work hard

Difference between WINNER and WHINER

Now the Choice Is Yours… Winner or Whiner?

Burn your boats and proceed to face life, never quit!

Wish You All The Best, Thank You!
