Session III final



Session III from a fun series of sessions I did the world of fast and lasting change -- the key deliverables of all RTSC work

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Real Time Strategic Change Learning


Session III

April 24, 2009

Conference Call Dial In Number

The conference call will begin at 12:45pm

• 1-800-511-7985

• Access code and pin: 241230-1265

Who is Here?

• Where are you today? • In what one or two ways have you been able to apply

what you’ve been learning in the Series?

Series Purpose

To learn how to make the future

happen faster in all of your change


Series Outcomes

• Understand and be able to apply the six RTSC principles to accelerate all of your change work

• Know the best ways, best times, and best people to include in your change work to achieve the best results

• Understand how to identify key leverage points to accelerate your change work

• Gain insights that you can act on right away

• Know ways that you can support or sabotage your efforts

To understand the Areas of Work of

RTSC so you have something to

deviate from in your own practice.

Session III Purpose

•  To Understand the three Areas of RTSC Work and what’s required to complete each one

•  Gain insight into how you can support and sabotage your RTSC efforts

•  Leverage your current work by seeing it through the lenses of the RTSC Phases

•  Get some ideas about how you can apply the Areas tohelp you achieve better results

•  Appreciate how together, the Principles and Areas of Work enable you to create the future faster

Session III Outcomes


• Responses to Session I Questions

• Additional Questions and Answers

• What is Real Time Strategic Change?

• Case Study: Application of Principles

• How RTSC Is The Same and Different From Your Current Work

A principle-based approach to

engaging people in creating their

collective future, faster.

What is Real Time Strategic Change?

•  How do you manage the polarities of participation and direction in a company which over-focuses on participation, and always looks for consensus and relationship?  Could you give us an example where you worked in this scenario?

• Introduce Polarity Management and map this polarity

• “Getting Unstuck Process”

• Increase informed discretion – “After Decision Review” used at Unocal

Responses to Session I Questions

What questions and insights do you

have from any of our work so far?

Questions and Insights From Our Work So Far…

Real Time Strategic Change Principles

Real Time Strategic Change Areas of Work

Scoping Possibilities

Creating Organization-Wide

Congruence Developing and Aligning


Applicable in any context

Integrates well with other approaches

Invites innovation

Directed requirements

Clear approach, easily understood

Great predictability

Works consultant need not client issues

Stifles creativity

Difficult to “play well” with others

Specific work to do is unclear

More difficult to apply and master

More challenging to learn

Effective Change

Ineffective Change

Structured Processes Flexible Principles and

Scoping Possibilities

Possibilities Scoping


•  A clear purpose and outcomes

•  Ways you can integrate this effort with other work in the organization

•  Leverage points that will accelerate change

•  A roadmap with key events, measures, milestones, and responsibilities

Purpose of Work: Create a clear roadmap for the overall effort that accounts for:

•  Past experience with change,

•  Successes you have already had, and,

•  Areas of greatest leverage that will help you create your future, faster.

•  Time and effort invested in Scoping earns dividends throughout the rest of the change effort.

•  The most successful transformation efforts make wise use of limited resources (time, money, political capital, and others), and Scoping enables you to do that.

Scoping Possibilities

Developing and Aligning Leadership

Aligning Developing


•  Agreement on why change is needed

•  Clarity about your future direction

•  Commitment to make needed changes

•  Confident leaders able to provide the leadership required


Purpose of Work: Develop the capability, capacity and alignment required in leadership for the effort to succeed.

•  Individual and collective knowledge, skills and abilities

•  Understanding and fulfilling the needed roles

•  Provide and accept support and guidance

•  Live the organization’s preferred future

Developing and Aligning Leadership

Creating Organization-Wide Congruence

Congruence Organization Wide


A solid fit between your:

•  Internal and external realities,

•  Vision for the future,

•  Strategies and plans,

•  Systems, structures and processes, and

•  Daily work

Purpose of Work: To fully leverage your entire organization, its members and all key stakeholders in creating your future, faster – and sustaining it over time.

•  The greater the congruence the fast and more lasting the changes you’ll achieve

•  Positions you for success now and into the future

•  Change-ability as single most valuable core competency

Creating Organization-Wide Congruence

Managing the Tension Between Structure and Flexibility

Scoping Possibilities

Creating Organization-Wide

Congruence Developing and Aligning


•  112 year old social services organization

•  38 Affiliates and National Office

•  New “Aging Strategy” to be implemented

•  History of unproductive, high conflict events

•  Broad based lack of trust

•  Resistance to new strategy

Case Study Background

Case Study Purpose and Outcomes

Purpose To engage the organization and key stakeholders in effectively implementing the new Aging with Options strategy

Outcomes •  Aligned Leadership

•  Strong Team of Stakeholders for Future Work

•  New Aging Programs and Services in all Affiliates

•  Increased Revenue to Counter-Balance Decreased Government Funding

Change Effort Roadmap

CEO Meeting At Conference

CEO Follow Up Meeting

Winter Conference

CEO Process Decision Making Process Design Team

Four Conference


Off-Line Work

Annual Conference

Late February

Mid March Late March Mid April

June May

Governance Decision Making Process

Emergency Board


RTSC Principles: Polarities and Greater Purposes

Real Time Preferred


Create Community

Build�Understanding Reality is a

key driver

Engage and Include

All RTSC Work

Plan For Future

Live Future Now

Best of Past/Present

Compelling Future

Allegiance to Part

Allegiance to Whole

Common Information

Unique Information

Internal Realities

External Realities

Participation Direction

Accelerated Change

Organizational Commitment

Aligned Action Informed Decisions

Effective Collaboration

Organizational Energy

Real Time Needs and FocusAction and Impact

Real Time

Preferred Future

Create Community

Build�Understanding Reality is a

key driver

Engage and Include

All RTSC Work

Plan For Future Needs Live Future Now Needs

• Clarify new strategy and people’s roles in it

• Understand what stays the same/what changes

• Collaborative culture • Governance

agreements • Positive experience

with conflict • Engagement in strategy

Needs and Focus for Work

Plan For Future Actions Live Future Now Actions

• 3 Rounds of Strategy presentation/Q&A at Conference

• Detailed roadmaps as “take home”

• Turnaround on Strategy at Conference

• Safe and fair Discernment Process

•  “Healthy” Leadership

Action and Impact

Preferred Future Needs and FocusAction and Impact

Real Time

Preferred Future

Create Community

Build�Understanding Reality is a

key driver

Engage and Include

All RTSC Work

Needs and Focus for Work

Best of Past/Present Compelling Future

• Affirm traditional strengths

• Leverage passion to serve

• Experience of new way of working

• Real progress on Aging Strategy

• At least “do no harm”

Best of Past/Present Actions

Compelling Future Actions

• Existing services supported

• Focus on enabling organization to thrive

• Use existing governance documents

• Publicize “early wins”/learning with strategy

• Develop good governance structures

• Demonstrate trustworthy process

Action and Impact

Create Community Needs and FocusAction and Impact

Real Time

Preferred Future

Create Community

Build�Understanding Reality is a

key driver

Engage and Include

All RTSC Work

Allegiance to Part Allegiance to Whole

•  Alignment within sub-groups

•  Retain autonomy of Affiliates

•  Sub-group to lead CEO Discernment Process

•  Everyone caring more about the whole

•  Representative cross-sections doing all work

Needs and Focus for Work

Allegiance to Part Actions Allegiance to Whole Actions

•  Sub-groups represented in all work

•  Integrity in all work •  “Part” interests affirmed

•  Max-mix seating at Conference

•  Integrity in all work •  Discernment Process

benefits all

Action and Impact

Build Understanding Needs and FocusAction and Impact

Real Time

Preferred Future

Create Community

Build�Understanding Reality is a

key driver

Engage and Include

All RTSC Work

Common Information Unique Information

•  Detailed understanding of strategy

•  Needs of each group •  Approach to constructive


•  Coaching CEO •  Tiers for implementing •  CEO Discernment


Needs and Focus for Work

Common Information


Unique Information Actions

• Sharing of Strategy • All “Shepherd

Team” activities • Documentation of

all dialogue

• CEO Conference dialogue

•  “Shepherd Team” work in progress

• Feedback from first CEO meeting

Action and Impact

Reality is a Key Driver Needs and FocusAction and Impact

Real Time

Preferred Future

Create Community

Build�Understanding Reality is a

key driver

Engage and Include

All RTSC Work

Internal Reality Needs External Reality Needs

•  Increased trust •  Owning strategy •  Requirement for

continuing current services

•  Learning from early adopters

•  Learning about new regulations

•  Knowledge about Aging population

Internal Reality Actions External Reality Actions

•  Expert consulting support for implementation

•  CEO “truth telling” •  “Change Possibilities”

panel at Conference

•  Inclusion of strong facilitation in all work

•  Broadened base of involvement (e.g., Board)

Needs and Focus for Work

Action and Impact

Engage and Include Needs and FocusAction and Impact

Real Time

Preferred Future

Create Community

Build�Understanding Reality is a

key driver

Engage and Include

All RTSC Work

Participation Needs Direction Needs

•  Many groups needed voices heard

•  Interactive Winter Conference

•  Clarity about what was fixed/flexible

•  Clarity on authority/ decision making

•  Fair process with integrity

Needs and Focus for Work

Participative Actions Directive Actions

•  Broad cross-section at Conference

•  Tiers could change •  Opportunity to influence

Strategy •  “Shepherd” Group for

Decision Making Process

•  Strong “facilitative leadership”

•  Governance as focus for work

Action and Impact

•  Healthy, Respectful Process

•  Understood the issues and had the difficult conversations

•  Learned how to use this process for other issues

•  Able to re-focus on our mission and move forward

•  Organizational Alignment

Goals For The Decision Making Process

•  Involve the right people

•  People are committed to the process and decisions made from it

•  Respectful Process

•  Be clear and transparent in all communications

•  Be efficient so that we can focus on our mission

•  Use Existing Governance Structures

Design Criteria for the Process

•  The NEC;

•  Local Boards;

•  The National Board;

•  The Council of Ministers; and,

•  Local CEO’s

Stakeholder Groups That Need to be Involved

How is RTSC the Same and Different From Your Current Work?