public speaking


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Public speaking

Does speaking in public frightens you?

Here comes few tips which will make you ready to speak in front of a public!!!


What Frightens You The Most?

• Population

• fear=Public Speaking

• Fear=Death

• Stage fright

• In spotlight

• Unprepared

• inexperienced

Effective Communication

• Preparation

• Practice

• Presence

Effective Communication

• Preparation

-Creating Speech Notes.

-Read out loud and make changes.

-Choose a Topic That Interests You.

-Become Familiar with the Venue.

Effective Communication

• Practice

-practice makes perfect


-Use of mirror

-get time right

Effective Communication

• Presence

-nervousness- fright is common

-Body language

-voice tone


-eye contact

-positive attitude

Overcoming Speech Anxiety

Practice, Practice, Practice.

Simulate Setting at Home.

Ask Friends to Be Practice Audience.

Visualize Your Success.

Use Deep-breathing Techniques.

Focus on Message, not Fear.

Things You Shouldn’t Do

Read directly from notes or screen. Turn back on audience. Slouch, hands in pockets. No um, ah, you know. No nervous gestures. Talk too fast or slow.

Things You Should Do

Eye contact. Can glance at notes. Appropriate gestures. Involve audience.

Successful TipsControl the “Butterflies”

Know the room audience and material BE Relax Don’t apologize Turn nervousness into positive energy Gain experience -experience builds confidence

Tips For A Beginner In Public Speaking

• Start with a proper GREETING • ORGANISE your speech • Effective Use of QUOTATION, EXAMPLE, HUMOUR• STRUCTURE the points• //a) MAKE a single & clear statement• //b) ELABORATE the point • END with a word of thanks.• PREFER simple sentences.

• USE pauses appropriately

• TAKE a good look at the audience

• SMILE and LOOK at different sections

• ALLOW the natural gestures

Practice takes you from this..

To this….