How to take an Effective Presentation



A few slides on how to make your presentation better. Some of the tips are from my favorite slide on LinkedIn : You Suck at PowerPoint.

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An Effective Presentation Aswin Shibu

What this is not!

How to take a seminar!

How to get good topics!

Shortcut methods!

Step 1 : Analysis There are tons of books written by smart people..

There are different ways to great presentations..

Let’s look at some mistakes that should be avoided

Step 2 : Cut Unnecessary Info

Putting all your points on 1 slide


A good idea is to keep only one point per slide

Keep it RELEVANT! While you’re at it; Get rid of your logo on every slide. Once or twice is okay. 30 times?! That sucks!

Step 3 : Add More Visuals Less Numbers

Visuals are more interesting than words.

Use them!

Do not crowd your presentation with more than 10 statistics.

Instead of this Use this

Use SmartArt, Charts and Shapes

Use Stock Photos

Whatever you use

Just remember to…

Design for this guy.

Step 4 : The Story

Instead, build a Story.

Presentations are boring when they present scads of information without any context or meaning.

What makes a great story great?

1. Begin with an eye-opener.

2. Use FACTS not fuzzy concepts.

Be Sharp &


Step 5 : Prepare Prepare Prepare!! Most presentations suck because you did not put enough time into preparing them.

An outstanding 1 hour presentation can take 30 hours or more of prep time.

Shocking, isn’t it?

Rehearse in front

of a mirror.

Time yourself.

Prepare for questions.

Step 6 : Perform and Improvise

1. Check your equipment…

If you use PowerPoint, check to make sure that the setup really works. Then check it again. Then one more time.

2. Check your alignment…

When you move your presentation from one machine to another, you can lose some of that beautiful design you’ve been working on.

To fix this,

export your presentation as a PDF and present it full screen.

3. Carry on…

You might make a mistake.

Chances are, very few will know.

Don’t let the others catch on!



