FGX-Forvergreen SOARS! Presentation



Private Presentation

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A New World has arrived….

For the past 150 years the world has been flourishing, growing in leaps and bounds as technological creation

and evolution has taken us to places previously thought impossible but for a few like Leonardo Da Vanci, Benjamin Franklin, Nikola Tesla and Elon Musk.

Billions of people are now alive due to many of these technological advances

Heart Intelligence is of Paramount Importance to our SOARS! Energy family! YOUR success is our Mission and the Success of each Family Member World-wide is our Passion and Purpose!

Over the past 15 years the economy in the United States alone has really taken dump after dump after dump!!

This has virtually FORCED people to take their future in their own hands as Entrepreneurs, starting their own business.

Will they be successful? Not likely without a support system. There ARE solutions for these Seasoned Veterans of Industries!

More people are starting their own business now than ever in history!

They see that the mindset of working for a Company and retiring with a large pension are nearly but a mere mirage.

Many people WANT to have their own business but do not have the skills and some the discipline.

More So – most do not have an Expert Team to guide them.

They might buy a franchise – join a Network Marketing company and get a system, structure and some support that helps but even these have their limits.

Enter – SOARS! Energy - a Powerful Solution - but not for everybody!


SOARS! EnergyPassion Purpose Perseverance!

Unlike Social Networks, Network Marketing Companies or online communities ~ SOARS! Energy is designed to place YOU as an “Authentic” Brand - just like Oprah Winfrey’s friend – Marie Forleo (above). Your message is equally valuable to the right Audience and SOARS! Energy is “The” Source for your success! Don’t think you have a Message? We’ll show you that you do!

With Sir Richard Branson

With Anderson Cooper

With Bill Clinton

With Bill Gates     

SOARS! Energy is a League of InspioneersTM We use technologies and work as your “Silent Partner” in the background of your Professional/Personal online presence and even Web-Channel (if desired) seamlessly on your part. With teaching tools from our Expert Mentors like Brendon Burchard, Frank Kern and Jeff Walker - our platform gives you everything that you need for success!

SOARS! Tell Your Vision Network Inspired Action - Inspiring Leaders!

Who is SOARS! Energy for?Professionals who would love to Expand Further in public and private outlet to share their Message, their expertise and/or their passion.

They want expert help to start the process and monetize their work

Our resources at SOARS! Energy is an Expert Consulting Service offering a Suite of Services and Support with a tiered level of programs that we customize to your exact needs.

We are launching soon and we are offering a Beta Program at a fraction of a cost that we will offer once we Officially Open to the public.

This is the “InsPioneer Program” for those who are Early Adopters and wish to be among the first in the new Frontier of Social Conscious Community & Commerce.

Once we launch we will offer our Early Adapter Members “InsPioneers” the opportunity to become Members who work with SOARS! Energy.

Frank Kern is personally endorsed by Tony Robbins and has helped Tony create an online business that has catapulted Tony’s overall direct reach to the point that Tony no longer needs infomercials to grow his businesses. Frank has made Tens of Millions of Dollars totally online and we at SOARS! Energy subscribe to his methods that are Authentic and put YOU first and give you the Best tools!

You are a Brand whether or not that you know it. In your circle of influence people associate you with “Something” – by either your design or by what they “Perceive” of you. At SOARS! Energy, we take your passions – your expertise and Showcase your new LifeStyle which become your own thriving Brand. If you don’t have expertise we help you Develop it! YOU as the brand who creates a following and in turn is able to endorse products that you connect people with and even Guarantee that you, your products and the products you endorse are Risk Free – every time.

YOU the Brand!

SOARS! Energy is your LifeStyle Partner, as that is part of the Foundation of Who and What we Are – Your extended Family who Loves you and Genuinely Cares about your success – We help you to be in Business for yourself but Never “By Yourself!” If this resonates with you – You too recognize that you are Source Energy and that there is a Greater Purpose for your life. By YOU being very personal with your Audience of influence, they will see that you genuinely care and that is the ONLY way that you will succeed in this LifeStyle program.

SOARS! Energy helps You to grow and expand more into your greater potential. We clearly understand this Very Personal Development that we ourselves go through every day, right along with you. In today’s world – Major Brands must grow further and expand or become irrelevant. Even highly successful companies like Starbucks clearly understand this and are not immune to failure. SOARS! Energy helps you Grow beyond what you ever could imagine yourself to Be!

How? SOARS! Energy is tailored for “Authentic Ones” Who genuinely LOVE People, the Planet and everything in it. It is for those who are very aware of a Greater Way of Being as the future and they have made a Personal Commitment to usher into the world a New Consciousness of a Greater and Better Way of Life - beginning with themselves First and Foremost!

INTEGRITY - SOARS! Energy is NOT for everyone – it is for Highly Grounded People who KNOW that they Personally have a role in this world and that the world Absolutely NEEDS Their unique Voice, Individually and Collectively to help turn the tides of Humanity to a Greater Path of Life and Vastly improve the Consciousness on this entire planet. They discipline themselves when they make a commitment and see it through, no excuses.

SOARS! Energy Celebrates YOU the Woman or Man as much as the Collective Whole of Humanity and use an entirely new Monetizing System online that gives the average person a magnitude of power and connection that used to be accessible to only for the Wealthy and large Corporations!

SOARS! Energy is the Foundation from which you can launch a Dozen Rockets of desire and have the support EVERY step of the way to bring your ideas, wishes, concept and dreams into Physical Reality! You can create your future and we can help nearly every step of the way. No One can do it FOR you – only With You!

Some of the ways that SOARS! Energy helps you to monetize your Passion, is by developing your expertise into Entertaining & Enriching series of Programs delivered as MP3s, Videos, online tele-seminars, podcasts, and the latest tech = “Portable Apps” via Smart Phones, Tablets and Pads which are custom tailored for your content and the needs of your Audience.

We have sourced some of the finest people and technologies to deliver to you the Very Best opportunity to Create Your Brand, Your LifeStyle, Authentically build a following so that when you offer and endorse products – people buy – because they are buying You!

The Team here at SOARS! Energy do not limit ourselves to be only a Social Network, Online Community, Network Marketing or even a Movement - Wherever SOARS! Energy Members are – there we are and as a Community Member – YOU are SOARS! Energy!

We’re starting out with Advanced Personal Development that Coaches you to identify and Create your own LifeStyle that you will have fun with, enjoy and make money from – on and offline – from Your own products and Network Marketing products that you Love and Affiliate commissions from people and companies with Stellar reputations in their respective Communities that you use and proudly endorse. But there is MUCH – MUCH more to come!

Our larger goal is to build a Global Community on and off line that functions as more than a Global Society with Ethics, Standards and Guidelines that would make Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Gene Rodenberry, Creator of the Star Trek legacies very encouraged and inspired!

SOARS! EnergyLove Laugh Family

That’s it in a nutshell. If you can understand this Mantra here by Brendon Burchard, you understand the Mindset of what the purpose of SOARS! Energy is.

And the Energy of Inspiration to begin this journey says:

So what does this mean to the Forevergreen and FGX Families and how can this benefit them and serve them for years to come?

The Team here at SOARS! Energy are committed to take every Member who desires to build their own personal Brand and positions them as an Authority and Celebrity in their Community. This creates Dynamic and New circles of influence to Distributors.

We help them fully identify their passion and pursue it while building the Forevergreen and FGX businesses by Distributors attracting people who wish to have the LifeStyle that we help create for these Inspiring Leaders.

ForeverGreen FGXLove Laugh Family

We position them as Dynamic, Likeable and well respected Authorities of their passion and the products and companies like Forvergreen and FGExpress that they love and endorse!

We train and support them and supply the technical expertise to showcase their Passion and Lifestyle to the world and help them generate High Quality Leads and build a following.

We help convert them into a “Trusted Authority” and present them to the world online and offline in public appearances.

We require that they Sponsor a worthwhile Non-Profit organization that they can be passionate about and add value to them and the Non-Profit through the relationships that they build.

ForeverGreen FGXLove Laugh Family

We are Passionate about inspiring them to be the Happiest and Most Productive version of themselves by Training them to Condition & Empower themselves to “Respond” to life events instead of reacting from the unwelcomed and unknown.

SOARS! Energy is comprised of not only its Team but its Graduates are offered a Lifetime Membership to Pay it Forward to others who wish to follow in their Footsteps while being compensated as Seasonal Trainers as well.

SOARS! Energy is designed to create Good Will with Forevergreen International and help it’s divisions grow and expand and ALL of its products.

SOARS! Energy is committed to help Distributors and Leaders create a personal LifeStyle that allows them to act practically as a third party to validate All of the Forevergreen Product lines in all divisions.

The SOARS! Energy Team is passionate about serving People who themselves are passionate about making a Positive Impact in their world Every Day.

To that end we are fully committed to help each Distributor build their Personal Brand and their Forevergreen business that creates a lasting legacy beyond what any of us can imagine now.

Live your Life’s Purpose with Passion, Patience and Perseverance. Onward and Upward, We Are SOARS! Energy!

SOARS! EnergyRise Up ~ Live ~ Love

SOARS! EnergyPassion Purpose Perseverence!

It’s time to not only Fully turn to a new chapter in Modern History but to Start Over again and write a New Book – Where will you show up in this exciting New Era?

The possibilities are as limited as the Stars in the sky!

For further information as to How this program can Engage your Company and Inspire a Fresh New Perspective of Solid Opportunities – contact the person who shared this presentation with you.
