Delivering Reviews - ICA



Presentation delivered for Leadership Conference - Iowa Communications Alliance

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The Ins & Outs of a Review

1. Why do we have them / do them?2. What do we expect to achieve from one?3. What are your current challenges with

them?4. What would you like to see different?

The ability to influence & motivate

Choose a neutral location Don’t position across a desk – use less

authoritative positioning Do as much in writing as possible

(have/script key talking points) both you and the team member

Be prepared emotionally, mentally and with thoughtful language (scripting)

Make sure your language is legal! Go in seeing it as a learning experience

for both See it as a coaching conversation vs.

critique Avoid over talking / over explaining Establish rapport by letting them talk


Genuine concern Common ground Words Body language Tone of voice Mood

3 Key Elements to Communication

3 Key Elements to Communication

What’s happening during a review conversation?

What you need to know to deliver an effective review…

image courtesy of

E => T => F => D=> B



Life Experience & Conditioning



Life Experience & Conditioning

Event Triggers Feelings Decisions Behaviors Thoughts

=> Your lens = Your world



How you describe the situation to yourself…in

essence the story you give it!...

…whether it’s true or not.

Natural Wiring Family (ethnic, gender) Social

◦ Hobbies◦ Neighborhood◦ Spiritual◦ Schools◦ Regional◦ Country of origin◦ generation

•Work LifeJobsIndustryBossesCompany

All these have shaped how and

why people respond to life circumstance.

All these have shaped how and

why people respond to life circumstance.

Better Reviews Through the Lens of Coaching:1.What is coaching?

2.Benefits of coaching?

3.The absence of it - is the absence of effective


4.What are qualities of an effective coach?

5.What is effective coaching?

1. What is coaching?

…the ability to constructively influence to a different


Coaching is a process that enables learning and development to occur, with the aim of improving an individual’s capability and performance.

Benefits of Coaching?

To team member, you, team, department, company?

Generates improvements in individuals’ performance/targets/goals

Increased openness to personal learning and development

Helps identify solutions to specific work-related issue

Greater ownership and responsibility

Developing self-awareness

Improves specific skills or behavior

Greater clarity in roles and objectives

Corrects behavior/performance difficulties

What would you add to the list?

Effective coaching can result in for company…

• enhanced performance, including increased ability to take

initiative and find solutions to problems

• enhanced productivity due to increased motivation

• strengthened commitment to personal, professional and

organizational goals

• increased retention of high performing staff

• greater levels of co-operation with change

• greater commitment to collaboration to achieve results.

What would you add?

After all that – can you imagine the absence of it?

The absence of it - is the absence of effective


What does that look like?

What’s the impact?


Manager Not Coaching…

Qualities of an Effective Coach?Here’s some of my favorites:•Patient•Firm•Clear on expectations•Consistent•Ability to influence•Empowers•Available•Observant•Approachable•Encouraging•Positive / constructive communication•Accepting with vision


Qualities of an effective coach

Rate: 1-5

__5 - really good at

__1 - really need to work on

The Self Persuasion Coaching Model = Coaching from the inside out

1. See the situation / performance

2. See a desired outcome

3. See the options to get there

4. See why it matters to you and others / benefits

5. See the consequences if not met

6. See the plan

7. See the plan in action

8. See the results

Use the Power 6: who, what, when where, how, and whyOpen ended questions = key basis of a coaching conversation

The key to influence and activating change.


Strategies & Guidelines

Describe employees performance actually write down objectively and specifically

Identified cost sometimes irritating behaviors should be tolerated if there’s little cost

Cost Considerations: Lost or sick time payments, cost of errors, lower productivity workers compensation costs, safety concerns, team morale, excess of time demand on managers

Gather – documentation

◦ What evidence do we have

◦ A testimony

◦ What reports

Gather – documentation◦ What evidence do we have◦ A testimony◦ What reports

Look at your own performance What about my leadership/mgt. style has contributed to

this? How have I contributed to this person’s feelings? There anything I can do to turn this person around?

Be specific and singular in behavior Is this part of an ongoing behavior or response

pattern Is there something occurring in this employees

personal life that is creating this situation? Are there unusual circumstances in the workplace

that are part of the problem?

> Clear – understood expectations= job – job scope & job

competencies= relating to others

> Documenting / Tracking> Feedback Coaching – formal & informal> Improving performance as you go

Download the app: The 1% Edge Portable Coach

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