24 eye-opening company culture & employee engagement stats


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Company Culture &

Employee Engagement Stats


64% of all employees do not feel they

have a strong work culture

49% of all employees are not satisfied with

their direct supervisor

Companies with engaged employees

outperform those without by up to


More than 1 in 4 employees do not have the

tools to be successful in their jobs

Peers and camaraderie are the #1 reason

employees go the extra mile, not money

71% of employees are not fully engaged

Only 21% of employees feel strongly

valued at work

87% of the global

workforce is disengaged

There’s 2.5x more revenue for companies

with engaged employees

$11 billion is lost annually due

to employee turnover

75% of people don't quit their jobs;

they quit their bosses.

Highly engaged employees are 87% less

likely to leave the company they work

Only 12% of employees leave for

more money

Turnover at companies with a poor

culture is 48%

Turnover at companies with a great

culture is just 14%

Happy workers are 12% more productive than

the average worker

63% of employees are not engaged at work and

24% are actively disengaged

Unhappy employees take 15 more sick days

each year than the average worker

Low engagement results in a 33% decrease

in operating income and an 11% decrease in

earnings growth

High engagement, however, results in a 19%

increase in operating income and 28%

increase in earnings growth

90% of leaders think an engagement strategy

has an impact on business success

Less than 25% of them actually

have a strategy

Increasing employee engagement

investments by 10% can increase profits by

$2,400 per employee, per year

Companies who collect regular employee

feedback have turnover rates 15% lower

than companies using annual surveys

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