20 Nuggets of Wisdom from Guy Kawasaki


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20 Nuggets of Wisdom

from Guy Kawasaki

A Quote Compilation by Wishpond

On Entrepreneurship

“Want to change the world?

Upset the status quo?

This takes more than run-of-the-mill relationships.

You need to make people dream the same dream that you do.”

5,000 or 50,000.

If you're an entrepreneur,

there is no bad time to start a company.”

“It doesn't matter whether the Dow is

“Remember, few things are right or wrong in entrepreneurship...

there’s only what works and what doesn’t work.”

“As a rule of thumb, if you have a good idea,

five companies are doing the same thing.

If you have a great idea,

fifteen companies are doing the same thing.”

It is a state of mind

of people who want to alter the future.”

“Entrepreneur is not a job title.

"Great companies start because the founders want to change the world...

not make a fast buck."

On Finding Success

“For selling to work, you need

face-to-face, personalized

intense contact.”and

That is, expose it to as many people as possible and not just the “A listers” — and pray. That basically describes what happens when you see magic in action.”

On Virality...

Step one: make something great.

Step two: plant many seeds.

“I have two pieces of advice:

Don’t wait for perfection. Life isn’t perfect. Do the best you can and ship. Real people ship, and then they test and then they ship again.

Then you wake up one day and you have something insanely great.

“If you have more money than brains,

you should focus on outbound marketing,

you should focus on inbound marketing.”

If you have more brains than money,

“Leverage your brand.

You shouldn't let two guys in a garage eat your shorts.”

“I used to believe that it's better to be smart than lucky... I don't believe that anymore - this is not to say that you should strive for a high level of stupidity. My point is that luck

is a big part of many successes. So A) Don't get too bummed out when you see a bozo succeed; and B) Luck favors the people who try stuff, not simply think and analyze. As the Chinese say, "One must wait for a long time with your mouth open before a Peking duck flies into it."’

“When it comes to rainmaking, there’s clearly a reason why...

God gave us two ears but only one mouth.”

On Living

“Smart, well-meaning people get it wrong when they start believing that

the world owes them something

and that the rules are different for them.”

“The next time you think there's something that you...

then see if you're still alive or not.”

"can't live without", wait for a week and

“If you want to make a good first impression, smile at people. What does it cost to smile?


Everything, if not smiling prevents you from enchanting people.”

What does it cost not to smile?

“Defy the crowd...

The crowd isn’t always wise.

It can also lead you down a path of silliness, sub-optimal choices, and downright destruction.”

“Take my word for it:

More people will like you if you believe that people are good until proven bad.”

“While we're living,

we need to get over ourselves

and accept others if we want to enchant people.”

“When you’ve worked hard and done well and walked through that doorway of opportunity,

you do not slam it shut behind you.”

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